Chapter 8: The Land of Waves (2)

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This chapter's main focus is about Yukina's past in the normal world, which happens during the Land of Waves arc. Her past will be mentioned slightly, and it'll be revealed completely after the Land of Waves arc, in the Hokage's Office (Hopefully, I'm still planning). The storyline will continue in the next chapter.

And a bit of spoiler here. Yukina's going to become good friends with the 6 Jonins I mentioned in Chapter 4 (excluding Kakashi, seeing how their relationship turns out), and it'll be loads of fun writing it. Hopefully it'll be fun for you readers too~


-Yukina POV-

"Cocky bastard," I muttered, and said to the rest of the group, "I'm going to Tazuna-san's house first. Catch ya later!" Then I sprinted off, hoping that the heat from my face would have cooled down by the time I reach the house.

Soon, I reached the house and stood outside, waiting. Then I got so bored I started experimenting with water. I made a few animals with water and gave them chakra, and they started running around. "Yukina, what are you doing?" a voice came from behind, startling me.

"Oh hi Kakashi. Look out!" I said, and sent all of the animals to Kakashi, getting him wet. "Ah, that's better. Whatcha laughing at, Naruto? You wanna take a bath too?" I grinned at my accomplishment, and stopped Naruto from laughing.

"Oh no you didn't," Kakashi growled, and began to launch a few water balls at me.

I gulped. "Henge!" I shouted, and transformed into a four-year-old girl. "Nii-san, what are you doing?" I asked as the water balls came towards me. "It hurts!" I cried as the water balls hit me, and ran towards the trio, who looked dumbfoundedly at us. I then hid behind Sasuke, holding his legs, and cried. "Nii-san is a bully!" Everyone sweat dropped and Sasuke looks like he was trying very hard to hold in his laughter.

I then toddled towards Naruto. "Huggie!" I screamed in his face, and he bent down to hug me, with a wide grin on his face. "Yippie!" I screamed again.

"That's enough now, Yukina. Tazuna-san and the three of you can go rest now. You, however, are going to come with me," Kakashi said, and plucked me from Naruto.

"No!!! Naruto!!!" I screamed and struggled as Kakashi held me firmly. Then he went back into the forest, to a secluded part.

"You can release the henge now, love, or do you want me to do it for you?" Kakashi said as he put me down on the ground. I stuck out my tongue at him, and released the transformation.

"Now that was fun. Did you see Sasuke's face?" I said, grinning widely. Kakashi just stared at me. "What?!" I exclaimed, annoyed. Then I looked at myself, and found out that my clothes were wet, from the water just now. It was hot, so I ditched the flake jacket and only wore the hitai-ate. My clothes were translucent, and they were stuck on my skin. Not good. I realised. "I.. err.. I'm going back to change!" I exclaimed and ran away, but Kakashi pinned me to a tree.

"Too late, love, too late," Kakashi growled and kissed me. I moaned as one of his hand went to my back, and started rubbing tiny circles on my skin. I shivered and pulled him closer, and wrapped my arms around his neck. We stopped kissing a few minutes later, when we realised that breathing was kinda important.

"Oops. I'm so sorry! I didn't see anything!" Sakura exclaimed and covered her eyes when she saw us. Kakashi growled softly and I pulled his mask back up.

"What is it, Sakura?" I asked, hoping that my voice sounds normal.

"Oh right. Tazuna-san said that dinner is ready. And I really didn't see anything!" Sakura exclaimed one more time and ran off.

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