Chapter Two: Train to the Capitol

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Chapter Two: Train to the Capitol

How did my life get to this? It was only last night I was making batches of bread rolls for the people of District Twelve. Now I will never see them again.

A faint sob gets stronger as it approaches my room door. My parents enter, my father, red faced with sorrow and my mother, with no emotion. My father immediately embraces me in his arms, making me feel safe for a moment. However, my mother does nothing, she simply slouches down on the nearest chair as if to say "hurry up". So me and my father sit down on a lush sofa behind the glass coffee table in the centre of the room. We all sit in silence while me and my father hold each other in secret sorrow, while my mother tuts and looks agitated. After a while she stands up and gives me an almost evil smirk, "Ya know, District Twelve might finally have a victor this year!" She turns in near slow motion and leaves me and my father distraught. We both know she didn't mean me.

He turns to me, "if there's anything I can do for you, son?" He says, while pulling out a bag of cookies.

"What are these for?" I say puzzled.

"I baked them this morning, for the family of the tributes... But... I guess me and your mother won't need them, eh?" He chuckles. This brings a slight laugh out of me too. My fathers always had a way to make me feel better, and he hasn't failed in the hardest of times. I reach out for the bag and think of what would happen if I won the games instead of Katniss (as if there's any chance of either of us winning), I wouldn't go back to a little sister like her, I don't have to look after my family like her. They need her, and she needs them. This is why I'm going to make sure she wins.

I withdraw my arm to my side, "no dad, give them to Katniss, the girl tribute." My decision perplexes him, but he doesn't question my final request of him. He gives me a firm handshake and says, "I love you, son."

"I love you too, dad" I say with a single teardrop forming down my left cheek. He gives me a slight nod, and leaves after my mother. I get no more visitors.

After an hour of confinement, I am led by two Peacekeepers to the train station where Effie stands with a broadening smile. "Congratulations!"

That word infuriates me, "congratulations"? For what? Being selected to kill, be killed, hunted down like an animal? I want to run up and punch her in her made up, plastic looking face until I hear more footsteps behind me. I turn and am instantly calmed by the face of Katniss walking towards me, led by another two Peacekeepers. She gives me a small glance of thank you as she enters the train past me, 'for the cookies' I think. We enter the cabin with our jaws hung low. Giant glass windows with the seal of the Capitol printed on them, tables cluttered neatly with multicoloured foods and drinks, bookshelves that reach the roof, velvet green chairs with wavy blue cushions laid beautifully on them. And this is just the train! What is the Capitol going to be like? I dream of huge skyscrapers fully made of glass with banquets of beautiful food just like the stuff here, only more of it! Maybe even working showers! My mind goes into a world of ecstasy, numbing my pain brought up by the past two hours.

After a few minutes of hiding our excitement while inspecting our cabins, Katniss and I sit down on the green chairs awaiting our first meeting with our mentor - Haymitch Abarnathy. He won the games at the 50th Annual Hunger Games, however not many people know how. But it couldn't of been good, because for the rest of his life he's been a solid alcoholic.

He stumbles in, drunk, and slurs out a word. "Congratulations". I fix my eyes on him as he continues to stumble towards the table full of food and beverages, and picks up a bottle of brown coloured liquor. He slumps down in another green chair opposite me.

"So, when do we start?" I say indifferently.

"Woah woah, so... Eager" he says stirring the liquor in his hand.

"Well you're our mentor you're supposed to give us advice-"

"Accept the probability of your imminent death," He cuts me off.

Haymitch, the only chance of me getting out of that arena alive, is useless. And it's surely down to the drink.

"That's about enough of that" I say as I lean forward and attempt to take the drink from his grasp. He flinches back, and in one swift movement, pushes his bare foot against my chest and spills his drink down himself. His foot stinks, does he even wash? He has no excuse with these Capitol showers, they're wondrous.

He gives me a firm look, however it doesn't have too much affect due to his drunken state.

"These are new pants..." He murmurs. He gets up and leaves, with a few minor swear words under his breath.

I turn to Katniss, "I'm gonna go talk to him," I say sternly.

"It's no use he-" I follow Haymitch, before she has chance to finish, in pursuit of answers.

I find him in his room taking big gulps from the liquor bottle.

"Ah, come for another whiff," he says with a sadistic laugh,

"No. Haymitch we need your help, Katniss and I. I... Need to keep her safe."

"Safe?" He questions, "why safe? Shouldn't you be ripping her throat out before she does the same to you?"

"Well, yes, if it were anyone else I would, but not her," I say staring at my feet.

"And why's that?" He says quickly, with no sign of comfort or sympathy in his voice.

"Because I... Love her," I whisper loud enough for him to hear, "and I have done for as long as I can remember."

"Well, that's... New," he says surprised, and suddenly less drunk, "tell ya what, lets keep this a secret from her until the right moment, the moment that it will be most useful. agreed?"

"Agreed," I say.

"I'll teach you all there is to know tomorrow morning over breakfast," he confirms, "now get you and her off to bed, you've got a big day tomorrow."

I nod, and exit the room.

Me and Katniss head off to bed, I attempt to make as much conversation with her as possible. But so far she's as stubborn as possible, I'm beginning to question whether she's even worth it; my life, my future. However that night I hear her screaming, it's possibly the worst sound I've ever heard, to know she's in pain hurts me just as bad. I consider visiting her to comfort her, but she may be creeped out a little. So I get little sleep, thinking of her pain throughout the night.

The next morning I wake earlier than everybody. Having nothing else to do, I get ready for breakfast an hour early. As I open the sliding door into the main cabin, to my surprise, I see Haymitch is already up and tucking in to some... Brandy. He turns in shock, "this is the last I'm having before breakfast I swear!" He bellows out.

"Okay Haymitch," I say laughing afterwards.

I sit down opposite him and we get straight into discussing tactics, weapons, past tribute winners etc. And despite his terrible habit, Haymitch is a wonderful mentor. About half an hour into our talk, Effie enters the room fully made up. No doubt she's been up longer than both me and Haymitch have, making herself into a green coloured theme today.

"Boys" she says,

"Effie" both Haymitch and I say simultaneously. She sits down on one of the velvet green chairs and reads a newspaper names 'Capitol Weekly'.

"As I was saying-" Haymitch is cut off by the entry of Katniss, she looks so beautiful, even with the minimal make up she has on.

"Ah, how lovely of you to join us," says Haymitch, "I was just telling Peeta how to find shelter."

"So, how do you find shelter?" She asks as she sits down at the table end.

"Pass the jam, sweetheart?" Asks Haymitch,

"How do you find shelter?" She demands.

"I'll just get it myself" says Haymitch as he reaches out Katniss stabs a knife between his outstretched fingers into the table.

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