Chapter Four: First Impressions

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Chapter Four: First Impressions

The voice of Cinna replays in my mind over and over, "hold her hand." What does it mean? Does Katniss like me? Did she tell Cinna to tell me that? I'm confused. Although, Cinna is a man that knows what he's doing. And he seems to know Katniss more than me, she doesn't give much away about herself.

Within no time we are set alight and the chariot is on the move, making me jolt backwards. But not Katniss, she if fully fixed on her mission, set by Haymitch, to impress the sponsors. As each District rolls out of the stables, roars from the crowd bellow around the Capitol. But non as loud as our entry.

As our fire engulfed bodies appear into sight, the crowd literally yells. It's astounding. And quite exciting. I try to smile, but I can't. I'm too blown away, and by the look of it, Katniss' mission has failed miserably too, she's as serious as ever. Not a slight smile crosses her face.

The words creep back into my thoughts, hold her hand. So I do.

At first Katniss gives her arm a quick movement, repelling my offer of linking hands.

"C'mon, they'll love it." I say invitingly.

She obliges. And in one swift movement out fingers entwine and we raise our arms. The crowd makes a defining sound. As I look up, I see Katniss' face upon the banners that line the strip of road the chariots follow. She looks beautiful. So beautiful.

As we roll up to the ring area, we are brought to an abrupt stop. President Snow takes his place on his altar. "Welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour." With a bit more rabble about the history of how the games came to be, we are moving through the gates under where the President stands.

Thank god that's over.

While being congratulated by our Prep team, I notice Katniss looking a little worried. I glance over to see the tributes from District two staring at us, probably trying to intimidate us. I see nothing of it and we're led back to the top level.

Soon we're eating our evening meal round the dining table as Haymitch introduces tomorrow's agenda.

"So, let's get down to business. Training." Haymitch says, "do either of you have any skills?"

"I don't have any skills" I say disappointingly, "and I already know what yours is, right? I mean, I've eaten enough of your squirrels."

"Okay..." Says Haymitch, puzzled. "So what can you do?"

"I can't do anything." I say coldly, "unless you count baking bread."

"Sorry, I don't." Haymitch lets out a little laugh, but a kind, comical one, not one I should take offence against. But he is right, what use am I if I can't do anything?

"Katniss, what about you?"

"I can hunt," she says playing with her stew.

"You any good?" Questions Haymitch.

I can see deep thought on Katniss' face, pondering upon her skills as an archer, and if she has any sense, she'll admit she's amazing.

"I'm all right." She says giving a shy smile to show her modesty.

"She's excellent," I butt in "my father buys her squirrels. He always notices that she never pierced the body, every shot through the eye."

"What are you doing?" She says with a hint of suspicion. Is it that obvious I'm trying to make her feel good?

"What are you doing?" I shoot back at her, "if he's going to help you he needs to know what you're capable of. Don't underrate yourself!"

"You can lift fifty-kilo bags of flower over your head, I've seen you! Tell him that." She snaps back almost defensively. However she's right. I can. But what help is that against a sword?

"Yes, but what use is that?" I reply.

"There's always hand-to-hand combat, you'll at least stand a chance!" She points out.

"I have no chance! Do you know what my mother said to me before I came here? She said 'District Twelve might actually have a winner this year.'"I can feel my rage building as I deliver the next line, staring straight into her eyes.

"But she wasn't talking about me, she was talking about you."

I can see this stops her in her tracks and makes her ponder whether my own mother would pick Katniss over her own son. But she would. And has. I fight the tears that attempt to escape my eyes and look up to Haymitch,

"she has no idea. The effects she can have."

After another 10 minutes of awkward conversation of our skills to Haymitch, me and Katniss head off to bed. With the only one sentence sticking in my head from all of that meal,

"One last thing. In public, I want you two by each other's side every minute."

Katniss objected to this, so I did too. Not to arouse suspicion once again. But in all honesty it is the best thing I've heard all day.

We meet Effie in the morning by the elevator, preparing us for training.

I can still see Katniss giving awkward looks at me, ones to say do I have to stick with you all day?

The training centre is the bottom level, underground. It's a large room supported by thick concrete blocks, grey concrete walls and stations in which to practice different skills in. After briefs of what each station is and how people die in the arena, we are let loose.


Hope you enjoyed!

I've decided to do shorter chapters from now on! Guessing that's the best way to write this story!

So next chapter will be shorter and will arrive faster than this one!

Please leave comments on bits you like and tell me what I can do better! Thank you😘😘😘

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