Chapter Eight: Words Of a Love Struck Boy

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Chapter Eight: Words Of A Love Struck Boy

The crowd flips. Huge shouts and cries fill the stage, it's deafening. Katniss continues to spin for a few moments and then wobbles her way back to her seat with help from Caesar.

The cheering continues as Caesar keeps the interview moving.

"That was something, that was something." He pauses and repositions himself on his lush red chair.

"I have one more question for you. It's about your sister."

Another pause.

"We were all very moved, I think, when you volunteered for her at the Reaping. Did she come to say goodbye to you?"

I can see Katniss through the TV screen choking up, "yes, she did."

"And what did you say to her?" Caesar asks in his soothing voice.

"I told her that I would try to win. That I would try to win, for her." Katniss looks at the audience and Caesar finishes.

"Of course you did. And try you will." He kisses her hand in which he's been holding, then cues her out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, from District Twelve, Katniss Everdeen. The girl on fire!"

At that point I am pulled away from the screen and positioned by the stairs that lead up to the stage. My name is called, just like the day of the Reaping. "Peeta Mellark!"

My mouth turns dry as I'm guided onto the stage and shake Caesars hand. We sit and he begins the interview.

"So, Peeta, how are you finding the Capitol?"

I can't think of nothing out of all the extraordinary things that are in my mind, and come out with the stupidest thing.

"Well, the showers are different,"

"How so?" He asks me,

Instantly I think, I smell of roses. So I ask him.

"Do I smell like roses to you? Caesar?"

A few moments of hesitation to my offer of smelling me. However he leans forward and sniffs near my shoulder.

"Yes, yes you do," he admits, "do I?"

I instantly lean in and smell him. A lot of laughs and cheers from the crowd surrounds the long, tall theatre.

I lean back in my seat, "a lot more than I do!"

"Well I've lived here longer!" He instantly replies with a laugh. And with him the theatre laughs too.

After the laughter dies down, "so Peeta, tell me, is there a special girl back home?"

I want to shout KATNISS at the top of my voice... But I stop myself.

"Erm... No not really, no."

"No? I don't believe it for a second," he turns to the crowd, "look at that face. Handsome man like you. Peeta. Tell me."

The man is so persuasive.

"Well, there is this one girl I've had a crush on forever." I confess. "But I don't think she actually recognised me until the Reaping."

He sympathetically puffs out his cheeks. "Well, I tell you what, Peeta. You go out there, and you win this thing. Then when you get home she'll have to go out with you. Right folks?" He shouts to the crowd and receives a large encouraging roar. But I know all of this is in vein. I wait for the cheers and laughter to die down.

"Thanks, but erm... I don't think winnings 'gonna help me at all." Silence hits the crowd once again.

"And why not?" He instinctively asks.

I pause, and desperately contemplate my next words. However, the realisation of my imminent death dawns upon me, and the words of a love struck boy cross my lips.

"Because, she came here with me."


Hope you enjoyed!!!

Sorry for incorrect script, it was a lot of effort to get it word by word so I thought it would be a bit boring too.

I shall update as fast as I can! Thank you all for the feedback!😘

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