Chapter Five: Training

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Chapter Five: Training

Most of us awkwardly stand around while the Careers wonder off to the hardcore weaponry; swords, axes, spears, tridents and knifes. And they're deadly with them all. The name 'Careers' comes from their nature to volunteer at the reaping as they see the Games as an opportunity rather than a misfortune. An opportunity of wealth and fame.

I head over to the fire starting station, trying not to draw attention to myself. But it is very useful. I'm taught which fire is safe where, which is easiest to spot, which is the best to distract, stuff like that. I look over to Katniss doing snares at the station next to me. I do love seeing her concentrate in her own little world.

After various stations playing around we are encouraged to try the assault courses. Katniss and I try going for the net climbing.

"You first." She says assertively.

I roll my eyes and clamber up the net, it's hard work as I feel my palms beginning to sweat, my arms beginning to ache. I'm going to fall. And at the thud of my body hitting the crash mat below, a group of laughter and sniggers reach me. Katniss is instantly by my side,

"Throw that weight over there."

Weight? What weight? Why? Where?

"What?" I ask confused,

"They're looking at you like you're a meal!" She blurts out.

"No, Haymitch said we can't reveal our skills?"

"I don't care what Haymitch said," she shoots back, "throw it."

Before I even know it I have the weight in my hand, I toss it over my head and it flies through the air and hits a rack of spears, shattering a couple. The Careers watch and I get a couple nods of approval, they're the real ones you have to impress, not the Gamemakers.

Not until tomorrow...


Very short chapter yes, and took too long to make, I just forget, sincere apologies!

But please try and get me more reads! I do try quite hard to get this right👍

Holidays so will have more time on this!

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