Chapter Fourteen: The Escape

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Chapter Fourteen: The Escape

I look frantically for an area to conceal myself. A tree? No. That will mean standing up for hours. The forest floor? Maybe, but there's no source of water.

At this rate I'll be found by the careers in no time. I have to hide and rest my leg. The pain is overwhelming, blood pulsates out of my wound with every heart beat.

I limp heavily as I strip a branch of its huge leafs and apply the over the wound as a type of bandage. I go back to find the remains of Glimmer, I can use bits of her clothes to wrap over the wound to keep everything in place and to restrain around my leg to stop the blood circulation.

However, on the way I come across a stream, a clear, fresh water source. The large slab of stone next to the stream has been eroded and has made a natural, or supposed to be, arc over the stream. Perfect. I'll place myself in there and disguise myself as part of the Rock and surrounding moss.

I go downstream to look for supplies and gather clay and pebbles. In my return I sit on the Rock and cover my face with the clay, moulding it to look like rock.


Thank you for reading!

Sorry it's short! Wanted to chuck one out fast and get back into things👍

If you want another chapter comment!😘

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