Chapter Twelve: ...But You Cant Hide

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Chapter Twelve: ...But You Can't Hide

"Which way lover boy?"

"This way, I think." Completely guessing the direction in which Katniss has gone.

We continue through the night, slashing angrily at trees and other vegetation because we have not seen a human to do the same to.

Eventually we've made a loop back to the Cornucopia. Still trying to act like I know where I'm going, I point in the same direction Katniss went the last time I saw her. Surely she's moved from that area now.

As we slash our way through the area, a distant sound of flames can be heard. The same noise as when more fuel is poured onto an open fire.

Progressing through the trees, the noise of flames and burning turns to a splash in water. The Careers rush towards the noise, begin to scream and yell in excitement. That's when I see her, Katniss. Helpless, injured and scared.

"We're comin' for ya!" They yell and shout at her.

I'm poised and ready to slash each one of then from behind if they get too close to her. But she's escaped up a tree.

Glimmer pulls out her bow and puts a terrible shot far over Katniss' head.

"Give me that!" Cato snatches the bow off her in disgust.

Despite my urge to break his neck before he has the chance, he shoots an arrow that just misses her.

"Maybe you should throw the sword?" Hearing her voice hits me hard. I miss being with her so much. And what must she think of me being with the Careers?

"Let's just wait her out." I say, trying to keep the Careers' faith in me. "She gotta come down at some point. It's that or starve to death."

They all stare at me unwelcomely. "We'll just kill her then." Even saying that kills me inside. But at that point Cato turns and accepts I'm right.

"Ok. Somebody make a fire."

I look up and stare at Katniss for forgiveness, but get an emotionless look in return. So I resolve to gathering firewood with the others.

The night comes. We all sit around the tree Katniss is stranded on. Cato plays around with his sword, Glimmer her hair, Clove her knives and Marvell is already asleep. However, I lay with my head on my rucksack and gaze up at Katniss for hours. But soon we all sleep. Nightmares of Katniss getting stabbed by my blade haunt me through the night.

But in the morning, I wake prematurely to an even worse sight.


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