Chapter Three: The Capitol

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Chapter Three: The Capitol

Effie takes a sharp turn, looks at Katniss with piercing eyes and shouts "THAT IS MAHOGANY!"

I let out a slight smirk and turn my head away so nobody notices, and while doing so I see the Capitol out if the window. It's mind blowing. Tall grey buildings surrounded by a sea of unnatural looking pearl blue water. Trains scurry round the buildings and Capitol citizens teem through the streets in their multi-coloured ways, just like a bunch of Effie's. All while in the background Haymitch is talking of getting sponsors to Katniss and how getting people to like her can save her life, which I've already been lectured on. Then suddenly the view is obscured by a tunnel which engulfs the train into blackness. I turn to look at Haymitch for answers and in reply I get a directional nod back out the window. We've arrived in the station. 100's of of Capitol people stand in applause at our arrival. I for one love it! If we die, we die famous at least. However, Katniss is not one bit pleased. She simply sits, giving me an angry stare. "C'mon!" I say encouragingly and turn before she has chance to dishearten me. I wave at the crowd excitedly, knowing that it will help me later as Haymitch told me.

"Best keep this knife," I hear him say "he knows what he's doing".

Effie leads us out of the train through crowds of applauding Capitol people as they witness all their contenders. I notice Katniss is keeping that distant look on as I look back at her. She keeps it up all the way to the tribute quarters, where our rooms are floored. District 1 at the bottom, 12 at the top. Effie constantly goes on about how we get the largest floor and how lucky we are compared to the other tributes. But I doubt any of us are feeling too lucky at this point.

Even though the beds are lush and soft, I get no sleep. In the morning we have a quick breakfast and are told of our expectations during the ceremony by Haymitch, which Katniss seems to be blatantly ignoring. Again. That's when we are led to the dressing quarters where my prep team washes me, does my hair, plucks my eyebrows etc. Plenty to do."You're ready for Portia," says one of my crew "she's just through there." She says, pointing towards a grey sliding door. Everything is unbelievably futuristic here in the Capitol. The simplest of things, even cutlery. Here, the handle of a spoon shapes to your grasp for a more comfortable soup. So pathetic, half the people in the seam don't even have a spoon.

I enter the room and see a woman with oddly natural blonde hair, unlike a typical Capitol person. She has bright blue eyes and delicate hands. She dresses me in a black shiny costume that has it's similarity to leather. Our district is coal mining... What is this?

"So, me and Cinna have decided to... Approach the whole mining theme a little..." Portia pauses, "Differently, shall we say."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You'll be set on fire." She says abruptly, "but don't worry! It's not real!"

A huge amount of relief flushes out all the anxiety I had for that split moment.

"Phew!" I say, letting out a small laugh of approval.

"Cinna will be down there with you before you go out where everyone can see you, good luck Peeta."

And with that, I am being led into the lower level of the Trubute building where the chariots are held. As I walk towards Katniss I notice her beauty while she stands alone in deep thought, probably of what has become of her life. However, when she notices me her face lightens up slightly. I am still oblivious to her feeling towards me.

"Ready to be burnt alive?" I say playfully,

"Sure" she replies giggling.

At this moment a tall thin man with darkish skin and natural black hair, who I assume is Cinna, places his hand on my shoulder.

"Ready to be burnt alive?" He says in the same tone as I did. Me and Katniss give each other the same smirky look.

"Of course" she replies.

"Well it's not real, so you're both gonna be fine," Cinna assures us "so here's what I want you to do."

We gather closer to Cinna, "get noticed," He says emotionless, "smile, wave, and win the crowd."

Me and Katniss both give a nod of approval.

I follow Katniss on to the chariot, but just before I climb up, Cinna grabs my shoulder again and whispers into my ear "Peeta, hold her hand."

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