Chapter Seven: The Girl On Fire

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Chapter Seven: The Girl On Fire

Celebrations come from everyone in the room. Including Caesar on the TV. However, as usual, Katniss just sits there and stares at the screen as it fades her score away.

"Congratulations" I say, snapping her back to life.

"I thought they hated me?" She questions Haymitch.

"They must of liked your guts." He replies with a smile.

Cinna raises his glass,

"To Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire!"

Everybody applauds and hugs at Katniss' efforts, and of course, her new name; the girl on fire.

Can't help thinking I was on fire too, but yes I got an eight and she got an eleven so she does deserve it. She's evidently got more chance of surviving these next few days than I do anyway.

Tonight we don't have the usual routine, Effie and Haymitch are going to teach both Katniss and I how to tackle the big interview with Caesar tomorrow. I'm with Haymitch for the boy kind of stuff, as he's done this before, and Katniss has Effie to work with. We spend the next hour or so discussing posture, tone of voice, responses to the usual questions and, most importantly, how to please a crowd. Haymitch already thinks I'm going to be great! He says I'm a natural entertainer. Good news, I guess.

That night I try and keep my mind on what I'm going to say, but my thoughts drift to Katniss.

The morning comes and we have another full day of the usual stuff, a few hours of training and more talk with Haymitch about the interview tonight. But the time flies and soon we're both stood, all dressed up in our suits and dresses outside the stage. Katniss looks stunning. She's wearing a red dress that drapes across one shoulder leaving one to be covered in red glitter.

All the other tributes go up first in chronological order, the Careers obviously talk cocky and act excited to get in the arena. Soon Katniss is on. I watch her on the screen backstage, scared for her, knowing how afraid she is. Instantly she's shaking, struggling to make her way on stage once her name has been called. Caesar Flickerman, the Games showman, presenter, whatever you want to call him, this man is the face of the Games. He interviews all the Tributes, commentates during the Games, and is loved by everyone. Even I've taken a liking to the man. Despite his fake make-up and his oddly coloured hair, the man doesn't seem all pro Capitol. He has a sympathy for the Tributes, helps them get through the Games, especially the interviews. I've watched him back home in all the games I've bothered watching, he's an amazing presenter.

"Next up, a girl from district twelve. You know her as, The Girl On Fire. Please welcome... KATNISS EVERDEEN!" Caesar screams with a large grin.

Katniss enters the stage and grabs Caesars hand quickly. He leads her to her chair and they sit.

"So, that was quite the entrance the other night" he says to her.

There's a long pause.

"What?" She asks looking confused and disorientated. I feel so bad for her, she's never been a talker. The crowd laughs and Caesar holds her hand once again to comfort her,

"I said, that was quite an entrance at the opening ceremony the other day."

"Well I was just... Hoping that I wouldn't burn to death." Katniss replies, as serious as ever. However, everyone laughs.

"When you came out in that chariot, I have to say, my heart stopped," Caesar says, looks to the audience,

"Did anyone else experience this?"

Then back to katniss,

"My heart stopped."

She takes her time to sink everything in, like I said, she has no idea. The effect she can have.

She brings herself to squeeze out the words, "So did mine."

Again, loud laughs from the crowd, and Caesar. He carries the interview on, mostly by himself, Katniss isn't being much help.

"Tell me about the flames, are they real?" He asks, knowing everyone in the crowd is eagerly waiting for a 'yes'.

"Yes." Katniss replies. Everyone gasps quietly as they anticipate Katniss' next words,

"In fact I'm wearing them today, would you like to see?"

A huge roar comes over the crowd.

"I think that's a yes." Caesar laughs.

Katniss stands up and positions herself at the front of the stage.

I'm so confused, what can she mean? She twirls in her dress and I see small sparks flicker off the end. Then the ends of her dress engulfs in flames.


Thanks for the read👍

Sorry it's a long chapter and it takes so long for updates but I'm busy a lot, but I'm trying my best to get through this!

Thank you guys😘

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