Chapter Seventeen: The Finale

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Chapter Seventeen: The Finale

I wake prematurely from an extreme pain in my leg, to see Katniss smoothing my wound over with a paste.
"I got it, I got the medicine!" She says to my squinting eyes. However, I see a large cut across her forehead,
"What happened?" I ask her, worried sick to my stomach despite there being no immediate damage.
"The girl from two, she threw a knife. I'm okay." Her attempts to reassure me are in vein. She is hurt, and that makes me too weak to help her.
"You shouldn't have gone! You said you weren't gonna go!" But she ignores my care,
"You've gotten worse." She States while applying more stinging medicine.
"You need to use that too," I remind her, watching blood gush from her forehead.
"I'm okay." She replies bluntly, layering the thick paste on my wound.
"Okay now you," I tell her.
"No I'm okay-"
"No, you need to heal too." I demand.
She hands me the medicine. I pick out a finger scoop of the stuff and lightly apply it across her cut. She looks directly into my eyes the entire time. I don't know what she's searching for, all I show when I see her is my pointless love for this girl. And at the moment, pain.

We sleep in each others arms once again. Without the cave, woods and the constant slaughter around us, this would be perfect. Katniss lifts her head up off my chest and looks me in the eyes once again, the same way she did the night before.
"Katniss, you're so much better!" Her forehead has completely healed, no sign of any damage. Despite the Capitol's cruelty and strange nature, these people know what they're doing.
"Oh my god, Peeta! Your leg!" I look down to notice a slight cut within my thigh. And hardly an ounce of pain.
"I feel nothing!"
"Peeta, we can go home... We're the only team left!" That sentence blew my mind. Thinking of my home, my dad and... Not so much my mother. However, I would be safe and sound. With Katniss. My love for her would not be in vein. Maybe I could hear her sing once more, like I did the first time in the assembly hall when we were five. We would live in the Victors Village and live a happy, healthy life.
"We can go home." I repeat in pure joy.
We embrace and enjoy each other's laughter.

As we walk through the woods back to the Cornucopia, the sky turns unnaturally dark.
"Why has it gotten so dark?"
"They must be in a hurry to end it." Katniss claims, although she will be right. The final showdown.

We continue with caution. Katniss has her bow poised and ready. And coincidentally, a growl emerges from the shrubs. To follow up the sound of a male tribute can be heard screaming with the sound of a pack of wolves or wild dog ripping him apart.
"What was that?" I ask Katniss, hoping she somehow knew the answer. She looks at me with a sense of prowess... "It's the Finale."

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