Chapter Eighteen: Mutts

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Chapter Eighteen: Mutts

The cannon thunders through the arena and is followed by the picture of the District 11 male tribute hovering in the sky. That only means there are three left. Katniss, me and Cato. Everyone else has died, 21 innocent children slaughtered by the hands of one another, most likely Cato.

"Let's go." Katniss orders. So I follow. We continue through the forest scanning for danger. Our steps begin to gradually slow as we hear a ruffling noise within the lines of bushes. Katniss raises her bow and we stand still. Silent. Piercing the bushes for any sign of movement.

I am tackled to the ground with a huge jaw of teeth snapping at my face. It then stops abruptly. I lift a heavy lump of fur off my chest and gasp for air as I take a glance down at the dog-like creature to see an arrow in its back. The Mutts are here.

We both instinctively run through the forest swatting away branches and jumping fallen trees. As if by magic another two Mutts are hunting us down. We run for at least five minutes, tearing our way through the forest. But eventually we hit the edge of the open field in which the Cornucopia is placed. Katniss and I immediately proceed towards it and I position myself to give her a foothold with my hands. She climbs up on top of the Cornucopia and reaches down for me. As I am pull up a Mutt bites the sole of my shoe so I kick frantically. We've managed to make it to safety.

I begin to un-tense my body in relaxation just as I'm hit in the face. I lay on the cold metal roof of the Cornucopia to see Cato moving towards Katniss. With one swift movement I tackle him to the ground. We role around grappling each other attempting to find an opening to make a deadly strike. He pushes me off of him, grabs me by the scruff of my neck and throws me in the other direction. I am hurt. He then plunged the butt of his sword into my rib cage. They feel broken and severely damaged. However, Cato has Katniss in a choke hold over the edge of the Cornucopia. I instantly run towards him and drag him off of her. We wrestle once again.

But he comes off best. I am positioned in front of his body with his arms tightly locked around my neck. Katniss has her bow pointing straight at me.
"Go on, shoot." Cato sobs at Katniss, "then we both go down and you win." I look at Katniss, wishing she'll spare me my life.
I am completely oblivious to Cato's speech of how he needs to bring pride to his district as I attempt to gather Katniss's attention. She looks my way. I open my eyes wide in a mischievous manor as if to signal that I have a plan. She continues to fixate her eyes on me while Cato keeps up his speech. I lightly point my finger towards the back of his hand, signalling her to fire her arrow at it.

She obliges. Cato makes a loud groan as the arrow pierces his hand. I turn, punch him in his stomach and push him off the Cornucopia. Katniss joins me at my side as we watch the Mutts lunge upon Cato's injured body.

Katniss suddenly covers her mouth in shock. But what at? I turn back to see the Mutts looking at us, and then I realise. One has a blonde like coat and blue eyes, Glimmer. Another has a brown coat and brown eyes, which must be the girl from District 11, the one Katniss took a liking to. Before I have the chance to identify any other of the fallen Tributes turned Mutt, they have gathered Cato's body and dragged him into the Cornucopia with a chorus of screams.

Thank you for reading!

Hope you liked the longer chapter😊

The FINAL chapter of this coming soon! So keep reading!

I'll then move onto Catching Fire and do the same👍🔥

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