Chapter Six: 11

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Chapter Six: 11

I wake with stiff muscles from the training yesterday, take a quick shower and get dressed with my District 12 training clothes that have been placed in a bag neatly folded outside my door.

Katniss and I meet Effie at the elevator and she's as cheery as ever,
"Come on now you two! It's a big day ahead!"
We head down to the training centre and each district is separated into different rooms. District 1 goes first, and the order progresses all the way back to 12 with the female Tributes going first. Katniss and I are in silence most of the wait as Tribute after Tribute entertains the Gamemakers. After hours of waiting pointlessly,
"Katniss Everdeen" rings over the tannoy. She stands and struts towards the doors that have already opened in collaboration to her name being called.
"Katniss," I break the silence, she turns to face me, "shoot straight."

After an unusually short time, my name is called. I walk into the training hall to see all the Gamemakers in shock, one of them, Plutarch Evensbee, is wiping off juice from the Punch bowl off his suit. All so strange. However I must impress them all the more.

I pull over a tray and position myself in front of their viewing box. The tray is layered with paint pots and other decorative items. I initially transform my body to tree bark, stand in front of one of the fake trees they have down here, and watch as the Gamemakers seem pleased with my first performance. I do this a few more times with different environments. They seem happy with my performance so far, thankfully. To finish I show my strength that I gained from hauling bags of flower and sugar back in the bakery by throwing some weights and lifting others.

That evening we gather round the television in the lounge to see our Katniss and my score. Effie is balling her eyes out at Katniss for what she did, which I am still unsure of.

We wait for the other Tributes scores, the Careers vary from 8-10 and most of the young Tributes score no more than 6, however the female Tribute from District 11 gains a 7, which we are all impressed with.
"What did you do? What was Effie complaining about?" I ask her.
"Just wait for the scores I'll tell you after." She replies playfully, her eyes firmly on the screen.

When I follow her lead and look at the screen, my face is in the background behind Caesar, and the number 8 moves across the screen! An 8! I am congratulated. But cut short as Katniss' name is called and a number 11 shoots across the screen...

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