Chapter Nineteen: Safe and Sound

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Chapter Nineteen: Safe And Sound

They continue through the night. Cato's screams and cries for help. Katniss and I get no sleep. But by morning the noise of guilt has ended, followed by the blast of the cannon echoing through the arena.

Katniss and I stand simultaneously. Turn to each other and embrace with the knowledge that we have won the 74th Hunger Games. We can go home. Safe and sound. As we leap down off the Cornucopia, another announcement is heard.
"Attention, attention Tributes." The iconic voice speaks out. "There's been a slight rule change. The previous provision allowing for two victors from the same district has been..." There's a slight pause, the same time it takes for my heart to skip from the next word, "revoked. Only one victor may be crowned." No. "Good luck." This can't happen.

"And may the odds be ever in your favour." The announcement finishes. Katniss and I stand idle in shock and sorrow. However eventually she turns to face me with tears settling in her eyes.
"Go ahead," I tell her. There is an arrow positioned on her bow string. "You have to go home. One of us has to die they have to have their victor." Ever since the day I was reaped it has been my mission to keep this girl alive, for the sake of her family.

"No." She interrupts my thoughts. Throws her bow upon the floor and paces towards me so we're face to face. "Why should they?" She asks me while pulling out a handful of Nightlock berries.
"No!" I tell her covering her open palm, these berries will kill us within minutes, rotting us from the inside.
"Trust me," she tells me reassuringly, "trust me." I don't know her plan, but I do whatever she asks.

She gently pours half the berries into my sweaty palm. We both stare at the dark blue berries in our hands as the whole world watches. Raise our heads and look into each other's eyes.
"Together?" I ask her.

"Together" she replies in a teary voice, but yet beautiful.
"One..." I begin the countdown to our deaths.
"Two" she replies as I touch her hair positioned lightly over her shoulder.
"Three." I say, knowing that word is my death sentence.

We raise the berries to our mouth. But just before they manage to touch my lips...
"Stop!" Another announcement begins, somewhat sounding unscheduled. "Stop!" The man sounds desperate.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games." We did it. We have lived. Katniss was right. I was right to place my trust in her. We can both survive.

Katniss turns to tears as I hold her tightly, stroking her hair and consoling her. A hovercraft arrives instantly and we are transported back to the Capitol. On the way there not a word is spoken, doctors look at my leg and the news isn't good.

"The cut went too far for natural repair, and there is no alternative but a prosthetic limb." I'm going to have my leg taken off. The expense of the Games has taken its toll hard. Once we're at the Capitol I am instantly separated from Katniss as I am prepped for surgery. A fully whitewashed room with lights bright enough to kill. I have to keep my eyes closed all the way until they put me to sleep under strong drugs. I remember nothing. When I wake up, I am instantly drawn to the metallic leg extending from my right knee. I am told to try it out, and to my surprise there is no pain, no struggle. If anything, it is better than my original leg, and stronger too. Once they do a few checks I am free to go and am escorted back to my room. Strangely enough we use the same Tribute quarters we were in before the Games.

The next day we are instantly woken by our prep teams with the standard congratulations and tears. But I am unable to join in their celebrations. The Games were traumatising. Katniss and I are prepared for a victor's special with Caesar later on today.

"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark! The winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games!" Caesar's voice bellows through the theatre. We join him on his stage and take a seat. He jumps straight into the questions.
"How did you feel when you found him?" He directs this question to Katniss.
"I... Felt like the happiest person in the world," she brings out a beautiful smile. "I couldn't imagine life without him." This is crazy. I have managed to gain the love of Katniss Everdeen after all. I reach out and hold her hand.
"And what about you Peeta?" He asks me.
"Well she saved my life-"
"We saved each other" she interrupts. We fixate our eyes upon one another as Caesar announces us off the stage.

However, Katniss and I are then led to the balcony in which President Snow first made his speech when we were on the chariots. And he's there again, wait for us with a cynical smile. We are placed upon two large stone thrones and presented with golden crowns. The most prestigious way to end a life threatening Game. Or it is to the people of the Capitol.

After one more sleep in the Capitol, we are sent home in the same train we arrived in. And in all honesty, have some moderate fun with Haymitch and Effie. Katniss doesn't join in much though. We arrive back in District 12. Katniss retreats to her home without a word or any sense of recollection of what she said when sat with Caesar.

And that alone makes me scared as to whether I have truly gained the love of the 'Girl on Fire', Katniss Everdeen.

Thank you for finishing my story!😊
comment if you want me to make any changes?
Also tell me if want me to continue onto Catching Fire!
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