Chapter Fifteen: Resurrection

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Chapter Fifteen: Resurrection

Hour after hour I lay, sipping the water as it gushes by. Worrying, waiting, gathering hunger. Every so often there're screams in the distance. I wish I could help, but with my leg half hanging off I'm unable. The pain is still there, it comes and goes.

And of course my mind turns to Katniss like it always does. I see her when I daydream, stood there, bow in hand, and a beam of light flows through the sky to illuminate her. Hair glistens, bow shines, eyes spark. She is truly beautiful.

But the noises of the arena bring me back to the harsh reality of the night. No beam of light, no Katniss, no bow to protect me.

But screams of my name. "Peeta!" Somebody cries. It must be Katniss, it has to be. But why? Surely she hates me?

I hear fast paced movement in my direction, then out of the Forrest distance she comes. Despite the dried tears on her cheeks, she looks the same as my dreams. But of course she can't see me, I look exactly like this rock! As she nears I patiently wait, until she is by my side, on the verge of giving up.

So I grab her ankle, which turns her into shock. She looks, "oh my god Peeta!" She screams, "Peeta!". She tends to removing the moss and stones off my chest. I am unable to speak due to my weakness, but she doesn't seem to mind. I lift up my head and she wraps her arms around me.

She helps me up and lies me down on the rock. And instantly goes to look at my wound, the huge gash in my leg, allowing the bone to be seen. She whimpers a little, and her hands shake around the wound.

"It's bad huh?" I ask her.
"You're gonna be fine" she replies, but it's too obvious to avoid the fact that it's not 'fine', and we both know it. She continues to touch around the wound. Why is she doing this? Why am I not dead now? She could be one step closer to going home if she just killed me.

"No!" She interrupts. "I'm not going to leave you."

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