Chapter Eleven: You Can Run...

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Chapter Eleven: You Can Run...


Everyone rushes for the Cornucopia. I do nothing but turn, and run. Run from the horror that will occur any moment.

I hit the tree line. Duck into the bushes and turn to find Katniss having a knife thrown at her chest. She pulls a backpack up to meet the knife before it gets her. She turns and runs for the tree line, but nowhere near me like I was hoping.

As Katniss disappears into the trees, the Careers are packing up and heading off. In my direction.

I slowly back away from the bush, not turning my head so I can keep my eye on their progress. As they near I pick up the pace, almost jogging backwards, and hit a tree. Laying on my back, I urge to get myself to my feet. But as I do so, my throat runs into the tip of a blade.

"Well well, if it isn't lover-boy!" The boy from District Two, Cato I think, stands over my helpless state. I say nothing.

"One last to worry about," he raises his blade...

"Wait Cato!" His partner Tribute interrupts, the same one who threw her knife at Katniss. Clove I think. "He can help us find her."

After a long pause, Cato considers it, offers me his hand to get up. So I grab it.

"So, lover-boy's on board." He says smirking to the rest of them. The group consists of the the thin boy and stunningly beautiful girl from District One, Glimmer. And of course Cato and Clove, the lethal duo from Two.

"Where is she?" The skinny boy asks me.

"I remember her saying she'd go this way," I say pointing to the opposite direction she went.

"Okay, let's get hunting!" Shouts Cato as they all leap off in the direction I pointed. I do my best to keep up to them.

After hours of running around having what they call "fun", it turns dark in the arena. As we pass a small rocky area within the forest, an orange flicker illuminates a series of trees.

I follow the Careers as they slowly creep over to the campfire where a little girl, about the age of 13, sits.

A scream and sword slash later finishes her slim chances of survival.

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