Chapter Thirteen: Fighting Chance

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Chapter Thirteen: Fighting Chance

Swarms of Bee like creatures engulf our camp and our bodies. All of us grab our weapons quickly and run as far away as we can.

I look back to see Glimmers body lying coldly on the floor, riddled with lumps.

This is my chance, my chance to get away from the Careers. I turn and run. Run back to the camp where the bees attacked us.

But just as I think I'm slipping away, Cato turns to find me running in the opposite direction and must know I'm going after Katniss. He yells after the other two for help but they continue to run. I turn to see him take his first stride towards me. Fortunately, at this point I've gained a big lead ahead. Every time I turn to look, Cato is nowhere in sight, the thick tree line has separated us.

I turn my head to bump into somebody. It could be anyone, Foxface is my first instinct. I'm poised and ready for a fight and instinctively draw my sword.

But the person who faces me is Katniss. And she doesn't look good. I sheath my weapon and look back to see Cato running towards us.

"Run! Katniss go!" I shout in her face. But she just stands there staring at me uninterestedly.

"Get out of here! Go! What are you doing? GO!"

She turns and wobbles away. I'm worried for her. But I don't have time for that, Cato swings his sword as I turn to face him. I instinctively dive out of the way, but he just catches my upper thigh.

The pain saws through me. I manage to kick him away with my good leg and he slams into a tree. This gives me a split second to struggle to my feet and hit him in the side of the head with the handle of my sword. Cato lies on the floor, not unconscious, but in too much pain to move.

I turn and slowly retreat from the area, knowing that the Careers will return looking for him.

I hope Katniss is alright. I seem to be worrying more about her than I do myself, I'm wondering about with a severe slash in my leg in the Hunger Games. She is the least of my worries. Where do I go? What do I do now?

That's it! I need to find an area where I can disguise myself.


Sorry for it being so short!

And sorry for the 6 week gap, I'm a lazy guy😂

I'll chuck out another chapter when I can!

And remember, these parts I have to make up so they'll take longer and probably be shorter than usual.

Thank you and keep reading😘👍

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