Chapter one: the rumor.

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"Baby, I feel you pull me to the dark... Side..." I sang as I got dressed for my last day of school. Summer break was Only eight hours away. My phone buzzed.


Idk what to do anymore, people won't leave Jordan alone and they won't stop texting me. I don't know what to do! ;(

I replied:

I hate to say it, but maybe you too aren't good for each other. I mean, the rumors will only get worse if you keep going out.

"Shuffle trevor moran." His name gave me butterflies as I told my phone to play his music. "Someone" blasted through my speakers.

I looked up at the poster I made when I was twelve. It was a drawing of trevor moran, below him were the words:

"Maybe someday, somewhere, I'll be your someone."

I was a dreamer. He was my only crush, although I would never meet him.

My phone buzzed:

Tweet from: Trevor Moran.

Hey guys! It's beautiful here in Hawaii! Retweet if your coming too our performance! If not, buy tickets in the link below!

I rolled my eyes. I wish I could trevor, I wish I could. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I climbed in the car.

Sarah was in tears at her locker.

"Well, you won't have to worry about Jordan anymore, he broke up with me." She cried. "Let's get you to the bathroom." I said.

"We have a half an hour till class starts." I sat her on the toilet pulling out my makeup kit.

By the bell she looked, decent. No bags under her eyes, no tears.

"You'll be fine, you know That there not true and I know they're not true, that's all the matters." I smiled.

"Thanks." She sniffled.

Girls swarmed around her after lunch.

"Get away from her, your all a bunch of cowards, none of that stuff happened and you know it." I said pushing the girls away.

"I know one thing is true, his new girlfriend won't be sending nudes to anyone." She winked and walked off.

"I didn't." She whispered and cried.

"Your smearing your mascara." I said wiping her cheek.

She smiled.

"You need a vacation." we entered last period and she sat next to me.

Jordan sat behind me and her.

"Move." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I said, move." I spoke louder.

"Come here jordan!" A perky girl called.

"Fine." He looked at Sarah. She flipped him off.

"That's my girl." I said sitting down.

Class finally ended and we walked to the parking lot where her mom parked.

"Does she know?" I asked her.

She shoo her head.

"Sarah! You have to tell her!" I yelled.

"Oh yes because my mom would be so proud hearing her daughter sent nudes to the jocks of the school. Yea I think i tell her that!" She rolled her eyes.

We climbed in the car.

"Hi! Honey are you packed for Canada? Were leaving early tomorrow." Her mom said as we sat down.

"I'll pack when I get home. Hey mom, can Hannah come, she can pay."

"What?" I whispered.

"Please." She begged.

"Yeah, I have enough."

"You know what, it's summer vacation, I'll pay for everything okay? Sarah don't you have those o2l tickets?" I gawked.

"Surprise!" She smiled.

"I love you!" I hugged her.

I got home and packed.

My phone buzzed again.

Tweet from: Connor Franta.

Hey fellow people of the frandom! I had a super fun time performing today in Hawaii! So sad to leave tomorrow! Maybe a surprise tomorrow? RT?

I retweeted like I always do.

I decided to send a tweet to all of them.

I tagged them and said: hi! I cannot wait for Toronto! I'm going! See you guys there! Luv you!!

I sighed on my bed. Most of my shirts were o2l merchandise and for Monday night I packed my Frantastic Monday baseball shirt. But I wouldn't be complete without my trevor necklace.

My phone beeped.


Can. Not. Wait! See you at 10!

I replied:

I'm gonna die when I hear his voice!


He's one year older than you!

I replied:

There is no age in love! <3


He wouldn't fall for a fourteen year old.

I replied:

Hey! I'm almost fifteen! And we are actually three months apart... I did the math


Only you. I gtg baii!

I closed my phone and decided to stalk there videos.

Somehow I ended up vlogging.

"Hey guys! It's Hannah! Guess what... IM GOING TO THE O2L MEET UP AND DIGITOUR IN TORONTO!! Comment below of your going! Who knows, maybe if we tweet enough, post enough, and tag enough we can slay twitter, Instagram and YOUTUBE!! I don't know I'm bored, well it's late so I gotta go! See ya later guys! Toodles!"

I closed my camera and climbed in bed.

Tomorrow was a big big day. And I hoped for dreams of o2l.


Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this tiny little chapter. The next one is gonna be short too. They all are actually.

Hannah absolutely loves trevor moran if you couldn't tell. Their birthdays are actually like one year and three months apart. She's almost fourteen Hah..

Well tell everyone (mostly o2l) about it! Luv you guys!! Baii!!

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