Chapter thirteen: the move

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Chapter 13

~~~Two weeks later~~~

"You ready for this?" I grabbed Sarah's hand as we drove to the airport.

I was now beginning to see the uncomfortable tension between my mom and her dad.

They were only friends when me and Sarah became friends... So why the sudden tension?

We pulled up to the doors and that was as far as they could take us.

"We love you very much. Stay safe. Stay with Frankie. Okay I love you. Keep in touch with me okay?" My mom kept hugging then kissing my cheeks then hugging then kissing my cheeks.

They backed away crying and we walked into the airport.

I sighed at how big it was.

Well it wasn't my first time flying but it was still a pretty big airport.

We walked to our gates after security.

I hated taking off my jacket and shoes and jewelry.

I mean yes, because my tiny music note necklace would turn into a bomb and blow a whole plane up. And my earrings were totally daggers I planned on killing everyone with.

I mean seriously?

We finally made it too the gate and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

We really didn't have a lot of stuff to carry since our clothes and stuff were already there.

"On our way to California! We will officially become Californians in five hours!" I tweeted out.

Ricky was the only one to reply.

"Hey! Maybe I'll run into you!"

"Maybe!" I replied.

A group of fans came over to take pictures.

"Hey tag me in them and maybe I'll follow you!" I said.

"OMG really?" They fangirled.

It felt nice to still have people who didn't hate me for "ditching trevor."

"I still find it funny how we will be in California before they reach New York City." Sarah laughed as we boarded the plane.

"Oh yeah, five hours for us, seven for them." I smiled.

We took our seats, I clearly having the window and began to blog.

"Hi Guys so I am here with..." I pointed the camera at Sarah who waved.

"Meee!" She laughed.

"Were about to move to CALIFORNIA!" I yelled.
"Shhh." The person behind us hushed us.

"Well I gotta go, love you! Baii!"

I captured the taking off on my camera and turned it off once we were flying.

"Aren't you afraid of heights?" Sarah asked.

"I am, but not in planes. I don't know it's weird."

I took a photo of the sky.

"Look how pretty it is Sarah!" She sat up and we hit turbulence.


"Please strap in your seat belts and stay alert. Thank you." An attendant called over the loud speaker.

Sarah clutched my arm.

"WERE GONNA DIE." She whisper cried.

"No were not Sarah, it's just turbulence, see it's over with." I said checking the time.

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