Chapter 8: the performance

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Chapter 8

We woke up at six to the sound of trevor banging on the door.

"What." I said my voice cracking. I rubbed my eyes.

"Whale you look cute today, is that a new hairstyle?" Trevor asked leaning up against the door way.

I blushed and began fingering through my hair.

"Meet and greets start at nine you have two hours to get ready, we have to be there an hour early. Connors coming by to pick you up then because we have to leave now." He explained.
"Okay." I smiled.
"Hey, don't strain your voice to much, drink a ton of water. I can't wait to hear you with me live." He winked and closed the door.

"Aaawwhhh." Sarah said popping out of her blanket cocoon.
"Shut up." I said throwing the nearest pillow at her.

I put on a casual blue striped shirt with a thin white belt and a lace collar. I then just wore jeans and my blue converse.

Sarah put on a side shoulder cropped band t-shirt with a white tank top underneath and jeans. She wore her brown combat boots.

"Sams gonna love you in that." I said. She knew how much he wore band tank tops.

She blushed.

"Connor should be here soon, let's go." I said grabbing my phone.

We waited in the lobby until the car pulled up.

"Hey. Whale don't you girls look nice." He smiled.

"Why thank you kind sir."

He put his fingers up to his chin and smiled.

"Anytime." He winked.

"So Sarah..." He said looking at her through the mirror.

"Yeah...?" She asked.
"I heard you like sam..." He said.
"Yeah..." She was beginning to blush.
I could tell she liked talking about sam. Especially if it's about her liking him.

"I think he likes you, he got totally jealous last night when some guy asked why he was taking to you."

Why did you have to take it there Connor?

She stopped smiling and I could see the tears begging to fall.
Literally they were sitting on the edge of her eye.
I could see them.

"Connor, that's not a good place-" I started.
"He asked about me." She whispered.
"What?" Connor asked.
"Jordan, asked about me." She was gonna cry.
"Her ex." I whispered.
He tilted his mouth to the side as if too say "ouch."
"Wait so, is this a good thing."
"No, I mean it's good sam was jealous, well not a good thing- never mind, I'm fine, I have sam now, I'm okay." She straitened up but I was having trouble believing her.

I knew her too well to just believe she was "okay." Those tears were still begging her and I feared she would cave to them at any moment.

"Awh, isn't that sweet." Connor said.
She smiled as we pulled up to the back.

It was fairly large arena.
The back was covered with booths for tickets and merchandise.

We showed a guard our passes and walked onto the stage.
"We have an hour rehearsal. Well you do, Sarah you come with me." Connor and her left.
Trevor shortly walked on and stopped.

"Hi-hey-llo." He blushed.
"Hi-hey-llo to you too." I said smiling.
"You look, go-grea-beau-great." He stuttered.
I blushed. "And you look fairly amazing too."
I liked how easy it was for me to flirt. I don't know how it just came easy too me.

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