Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: I'm Ok

*Amelia's POV*

I was drifting in and out. I was in an ambulance I heard constant talking but couldn't make out any words. I was heavy breathing, I looked over to my left to see George.

"George." I softly whispered.

That was the last thing I remember until I shut my eyes blacking out.

*John's POV*

At the bar we heard yelling and screaming we looked around and noticed Amelia and George weren't at the table.

Paul Ringo and I looked at each other as we hopped over the table to where the commotion was.

I saw Amelia on the ground and George wounded as he got stabbed one last time before he fell to the ground.

I punch him as Paul took the knife away from the man. Ringo ran to call the ambulance and the bar tender called the police as well. While that was going on me Paul and a few other lads pinned the man down. Luckily none of us were seriously hurt. I just had a cut on my arm that probably needed stitches and Paul had a tiny scratch on his face that barely even bled.

Paul, Rich, Cynthia, Pattie, Jane and I rushed to the hospital in my car, traveling the ambulance at a fast speed.

When we arrived at the hospital I had gotten stitches but it didn't take long and I waited in the lobby with everyone and the doctors told us that Amelia and George were stabbed in the lungs and that they were going to go under surgery.

We waited in the lobby for what seemed like hours. Cynthia and I sat together she rested her head on my shoulders as I had a blank stare at the ground. Jane and Paul sat together talking among themselves then Ringo and Pattie were nervous wrecks as they paced themselves up and down the hall. After awhile they started calming down and began talking to each other.

Finally a doctor came out and told us that George was out of surgery and recovering in a room. We asked if we could go see him and he said yes but he was still resting and not yet up from anesthetics.

Pattie, Paul and Jane went into see George while Cynthia Ringo and I stayed out in the lobby waiting on word of Amelia.

It seemed like forever until someone finally came out and said

"Who is Mr. Starkey?"

"That'd be me." He got up and ran over to the doctor.

I could hear that he was saying but all I saw was Ringo's face drop into this depressed state. He put his hands on his head and the doctor nodded his head and went back to where he was suppose to be.

Rich came back and said down. He put his hands over his face and took a deep breath.

"Well what happened? Is she fine from the attack?" I asked

"He said she's going to be fine." He responded with his hands still over his face.

"Well that's good news right?" I asked confused

"They found something while she was undergoing surgery."

"Like what?" Cynthia asked.

"They said she's got cancer."

"What? Are-Are they going to do anything about it?" I shouted.

"They're going to start removing it now. They said it doesn't mean it'll go away though." He said depressed.

Pattie walked into the lobby and said

"George is awake if you want to see him."

"Are you coming?" I asked Ringo as I got up from my seat.

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