Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Regret

*Remember that this story is my interpretation and personality dates facts and other things will be off*

*Amelia's POV*

I starred down at the positive pregnancy test.

How was I pregnant?

I-I was told I wasn't, it was..wrong?

The doctor came back in the room and looked at the test.

"Congratulations Mrs. Starkey, you're pregnant!" He smiled as he threw the test in the trash. "Now if you want I can set you up with a sonogram appointment to see how far along you are and more."

"Uh, yeah that'd be great." I said distracted.

I walked out to the lobby where Jane, Pattie and Cynthia were waiting.

"What took you so long?" They complained.

"I-I uh..." I just kept walking I didn't know what or how to feel because after a month of me and Ritchie had already started accepting the fact that we weren't pregnant and that we could wait and explore life and go on adventures.

Jane, Cynthia and Pattie started getting really worried in the taxi.

Pattie took a huge breath before finally breaking the silence saying "Is the cancer back?" She quickly asked.

I shook my head blankly.

We pulled up to the back of the hotel and as soon as they and getting out of the car I whispered.

"I'm pregnant."

They all sat back down and shut the door.

"You're what?" Cynthia cried.

"I took a test and the doctor said I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god this is great news!" Pattie cried out.

I started developing a smile but lately I've been happy about not being pregnant because we had discussed so many things we could do as a married couple with out kids. All the adventures and different countries we would go to.

We got out of the car and made it up to the hotel room. The boys were reading fan mail.

"What happened?" George and Ritchie yelled noticing our arms were wrapped in gauze.

"Just crazy fans." I laughed it off.

"What did they do?" John yelled.

"Nothing they crowded us and they didn't mean to scratch us..."

"Or bite us." I finished Patties sentence.

"They bit you?" Ritchie said examining my hand.

Jane, Cynthia and Pattie all went to sit down with their boys as they eyeballed me waiting to hear the exciting news.

I whispered over to Cynthia

"I'm not saying it out loud in front of everyone!"

"Tell him now!" She said in a loud whispered tone.

"When we are alone and everyone is gone I will!"

She nodded at Jane and Pattie as they all whispered in Paul's, George's and Johns ear something.

They all got a huge expression on there face but quickly shut it as they all walked out of the hotel.

I presume they told the boys to leave because I was going to tell Ritchie I was pregnant. So much for keeping it a secret.

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