Part 4 - 2

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The sun set on Sara and Andie before they knew it. They had fallen asleep in their work, not venturing out of their room once. Dawn rose again and the two remained silent. A certain someone didn't strike in the night, but they had a plan for the night. So they waited - all day. It was a bore, like usual. Still no one would go outside - they enjoyed that. They had the outside world to themselves - or did they? As the sun fell on the day someone left the cabin. This time they exited out the back - they feared they might be spotted in low daylight near the shore. Their feet landed upon the soil next to the raised deck - their shoes would become messy, but they knew a splash of water would wipe it away. And so they found their supplies they had hidden much before anyone realized. They would the ladder like structure they would use to climb to the top. With their equipment strung over their shoulder, they began the ascent up the side of Adin's cabin. The climb proved to be harder than that person expected, but they were alright. This was merely the hard portion of tonight's mission. This person reached the top of the roof and exhaled. They unloaded their bag atop the white cabin - the brown roof seemed to clash with the obvious paper-white of the cabin. Someone stood up and examined their view. All they could see was the blue and yellow sky and more of the brown roof. They knew that the roof would be steep and not easy to navigate later tonight. But the fruit of their mission would prove to be most useful. After all, no one said you couldn't do this. So with that thought the person began to climb back down, remembering not to slip and fall. With about 7 feet below them they decided to leap from the side of the cabin and try to land on their feet. They successfully did so and took a bit of pride from it. They saw sudden movement in a window above them, so they took off running and tried to get inside before anyone noticed. Dinner was made that night by Jeanette herself - she only made chicken wings, enough for everyone to have two. For the first time since lunch two days ago, almost everyone sat at the table. Sara and Andie even showed up, both looking messy and tired. Carmen and Jeanette served up the dish to everyone who showed up. After everyone had gotten a plate of chicken, Jeanette and Carmen took a seat next to each other. A few attempts of conversation where made, but none lasted. Glares and stares were very noticable between Adin's friends. Wyatt remained very observant as usual, studying who was staring at whom. Carmen stared at JT; Emma stared at her food; Sara stared at Adin's empty seat. Pretty much everyone ate in silence, including Wyatt. He caught himself staring at four empty seats at the end of the table, nearest to the kitchen. He knew it was Michael's friends' seats, but he still wondered- "Why hadn't they shown up to dinner?" Was it Michael? Was it Brock or Taylor? Either way, it didn't matter. They obviously have something to hide. This angered Wyatt - why can't tell us all the truth? Wyatt stopped thinking about Michael and his friends and continued to eat. He finished a few moments later and took his plate to the kitchen. He assumed he was the first finished because everyone stared as he got up and left. Wyatt left his plate in the sink and walked back into the dining area. He looked at Logan and gestured to the kitchen. She took her plate and walked toward Wyatt fast. She went right past him and found the garbage. She dumped the rest of her dinner and turned back to Wyatt. "Let's go upstairs and talk." He suggested. Without saying anything she nodded and set her plate down. She walked back to Wyatt and wrapped her arm around his. They walked through the massive kitchen and into the corner of the room. Besides a direct shortcut to the library, another exit from the kitchen stood just a few short steps from the library. They exited the kitchen through the opening and found themselves directly in the foyer. They both found the stairs and walk up it, still adjoined by the arm. Later that evening, Wyatt and Logan stood at the foot of their bed, pressing their bodies together. Rain had started to beat the roof of Adin's cabin. It sounded like small knocks, like someone wanted in through the roof. Neither Wyatt nor Logan cared. Their lips began to kiss one another in a passionate make-out session. Wyatt ran his fingered through Logan's blonde hair. She thought about his touch - how she loved it very much. His smooth, cold fingers reminded her of kisses they shared during the wintertime. Their bodies produced so much heat but the touch made the kiss alive and spark. This is how she felt now; this kiss made her feel alive. And someone noticed too; from outside their window, an unsuspecting red blinking went unnoticed by Wyatt or Logan in the bedroom. In the rain, someone literally was hanging from the roof and recording their every move. This certain person thought of the spy movies where a spy would lower down from the ceiling like a spider. This is how they felt now, except a little more damp and sacred. While it didn't bother them so much, a twenty foot drop awaited them if their cable were to suddenly snap. But they assured beforehand that they had screwed their apparatus for this endeavor tightly and thoroughly. All this person could think about was recording the two - they needed something on the to anyway. Their black hoodie and ski mask kept them anonymous and hard to recognize. That was their intent anyway - not to be identifiable. They watched tiny screen on their camera as they zoomed in to get clear shot of the two lovers. Inside, Wyatt had is eyes closed. But his eyes, if opened, would look straight at their window. It took them a second, but they recognized their vulnerability. The figure outside panicked. In one hand they continued recording Logan and her boyfriend - all the footage they could get the better. With the other hand they held the rope as they began to walk up the side of the cabin again. With a dramatic sense, Wyatt thrust open his eyes and saw the face of the figure outside.

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