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Frank rolled his eyes as he walked out of his father's car.

They stood on the doorway of their new house; the former Way residence.

"Alright, let's repeat" Frank's father spoke nervously, forehead sweating "What did I tell you?"

"To behave" Frank answered. Like a billion times, he thought to himself.

"Only that?" his father frowned in confusion.

"Yes, Dad, only that" Frank rolled his eyes again.

"Alright" the older man sighed "Alright"

"Dad, what's wrong?" Frank crossed his arms on his chest, his backpack tightening under his armpits "You guys married two weeks ago. Is moving in with her really that scary?"

"Have you met her son?"


"No, Gerard"

Frank shook his head, frowning "I didn't meet either of them. I didn't even know Gerard existed"

"Well, he exists" the man wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve "Mikey lives with their Dad and Gerard lives with us"

Frank gasped "What?!"

"Be-have" his father threatened with a finger.

Frank bit his bottom lip as his father rang the doorbell.

The woman Frank knew as his step-mother swung the door open and exchanged a quick kiss with her new husband.

"Hello, Frank" she greeted pleasantly.

Frank gave her a small smile and a nod. He pulled his father's and his bags into the rather spacious hallway.

"You can leave them here, sweetie" his step-mother assured, closing the door which made the house seem darker.

The most of the house was made with dark wood, along with dark furniture and decorations. It looked almost scary.

But Frank didn't mind. The darker the better; his black soul will feel more welcomed.

Joke aside, the three walked into the dining room which quickly became Frank's favorite place in the house.

The chairs were made of dark wood (matching the walls and the floors) and carved in pretty, gothic shapes. The table was large and welcoming, a place where Frank would eat without hesitation; let's be honest though, Frank would eat anywhere without hesitation.

Frank's step-mother leaned against a doorframe that led back into the hallway "Gerard! Come down! Come meet Frank!"

Frank waited lazily and heard his father gulp.

Footsteps on the wooden staircase echoed through the silent house. Gerard really seemed to be taking his time; it took him so long go get down the stairs.

Once he entered the dining room, he sent tiny shivers down Frank's spine and Frank's father was completely shook.

Gerard had long, black hair that reached down to his shoulders. His skin was perfectly white, along with his lips, but the area around his eyes was an almost black red. Frank believed he wore makeup. But the sad truth was, Gerard wore no makeup. His clothes were black; long, wide, fine trousers and a large black button-up. Frank firstly thought Gerard was wearing something like a long, black dress, but when he took a better look, he noticed what was really going on there.

Gerard said nothing.

"Hi" Frank choked out.

Gerard threw him a slow glance before locking his stare with his mother.

"Gerard, this is your step-brother Frank. Frank, meet my son Gerard"

Gerard kept his eyes on his mother.

His mother, though, looked at Frank "You two will be sharing a bedroom"

Frank's mouth fell slightly agape.

Gerard's serious expression morphed into an angered frown.

"When you and Dad divorced, I finally got rid of that rat and now I have to suffer another one?!" Gerard shouted at his mother.

She narrowed her eyes at him "Don't call your brother that"

Gerard groaned and graciously spun on his heel, moving fast toward the staircase and setting off to his bedroom upstairs. His movements were so delicate, as if he were hovering above the ground.

"Don't worry" Gerard's mother assured "He's not too bad"

Frank slowly nodded, eyes wide. He'd rather avoid Gerard.

"We'll go to the town just for half an hour or so" Frank's father announced, putting on his jacket and helping his wife put on her blazer.

"Don't leave me" Frank whispered sarcastically.

"Don't be frightened if Mikey comes by, he likes hanging around the house" Frank's step-mother said before the newly weds left.

Frank sighed and walked into the living room. Just like the rest of the house, the living room was decorated in a gothic style. Everything looked very vintage and Frank thought it was cool.

Frank decided to give Gerard some time to cool off before he comes up to their room.

Suddenly, he heard the front door unlocking.

A boy with mid-long brown hair and rectangular, black glasses walked into the living room.

"Oh" the boy stopped surprised "You must be Frank"

Frank nodded "I assume you're Mikey"

Mikey smiled wide "You assume correctly. We'll be going to the same class"

"Really?" Frank rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the teachers told us" Mikey informed, nodding "Have you met Gerard yet?"

Frank sighed loudly, hands on his knees as he sat down onto the black, leather sofa "I've seen him. Met - not so much"

"Oh boy"

"What's with him?" Frank cringed as he remembered the sight of Gerard "Is he like goth or something?"

Mikey took a seat on the arm rester of the black, leather armchair "That's so hard to explain, oh God"

"Can you explain? I'll give you five bucks"

Mikey laughed softly, playing with his fingers "I'd explain for free, but I have only five minutes so I'll tell you some other time, yeah?"

Frank chuckled "Yeah, sure"

"Look, I have some books to take from Gerard and then I gotta go. It was nice meeting you" Mikey smiled as he stood up and started to make his way to the hallway.

"Nice meeting you too" Frank frowned, thinking about finding out what Gerard's deal is himself after Mikey leaves.

"I hope we'll be good friends!"

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