c h a p t e r t h i r t e e n

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The cemetery was an incredibly dark place. Frank would bet there was a single black could that stood above it all day long. It sent shivers down the boys' spines; for different reasons.

To Frank, it was a creepy place. Like any cemetery. You're basically walking in between dead, unretrievable people. The only grave that ever made him feel warm was his mother's; it was the only connection he had with her.

For Ray, it was a place where he lost his friend. It was a place where he buried his dear grandparents. Death was a terrible thing in Ray's eyes, it would break him. When Gerard changed, everybody told Ray Gerard had died and the new him had arrived. Ray didn't put himself into believing that, because he had hope above all. Death was too terrifying. He believed Gerard would become himself again, so believing he was dead wound't do his hopes much help.

For Mikey, it was the worst childhood memory. He was little, but seeing his brother completely different in a dark mausoleum - it became a memory impossible to delete. He had lost his big brother that day. Every day after the day they found Gerard here, Mikey was alone. No matter the constant prays for his brother to play with him, he was still alone. He didn't want his peers, he wanted Gerard. Ray was acceptable, but not enough.

Frank's mother's grave was on the other side of the cemetery, Frank knew they probably won't even get to pass by it. But, if there is time, he'll stop by.

There were quite a few mausoleums, sticking out between the grounded graves. Frank curiously looked into every each one they passed. Mikey said there was a throne inside the mausoleum they had found Gerard in. Frank didn't know why, he just wanted to see that place.

Before he could even look into the next one, he heard Mikey's pained sob. Ray was quick to spread his arms and hug Mikey tightly. Frank looked at them worriedly, thinking it was a bad idea coming here. That was definitely the mausoleum. Ray confirmed his assumption with a nod from above Mikey's shoulder. Mikey did his best to hold back tears, but he just wasn't strong enough.

Frank bit his bottom lip. He could of course approach the two and help in calming Mikey down. But he's quite known for making things worse then they already are. Thus he gave them one last glance before turning around and stepping into the mausoleum.

It seemed to have its own wind. The was a single smell present, but it wasn't conspicuous. The smell of blood; but it was very much ignorable. The moisture made the place disgusting, but calming at the same time. It was incredibly odd. Everything that would make a place unacceptable and disgusting - it was all here. But this mausoleum made Frank feel better than home. Better than the warmest hug. It called for him, begged for him to stay. It promised comfort.

Frank would've fallen for it, he would've bitten the bait.

If it weren't for his unstoppable curiosity.

The question 'why' kept him away from sitting down on the stone throne, from closing his eyes and staying. His eyes scanned around the entire small room the mausoleum was. He was looking for answers.

Maybe, he was even looking for the 'He' Gerard constantly talks about.

He looked left and right, finding there is a small entrance on each side. The looked into the right one to find absolutely nothing but a tiny, empty room.

"Frank, get out of there, what the hell" Ray's voice came from the outside. Frank turned to look at he passage he used to enter the mausoleum. He heard a sniffle from Mikey, maybe a sob.

"Give me one second, yeah?" Frank called, turning back to the left entrance.

"No, Frank" Ray suddenly appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Frank's wrist. Frank gasped quietly and frowned angrily at Ray's pleading look.

Bitting his bottom lip once again, Frank sighed in defeat. Ray let go of his wrist and Frank followed outside.


Frank jumped at the pretty sound coming from inside the mausoleum, while Ray's jaw only dropped. Frank ran his fastest to the source of the voice which was of course the left entrance he didn't get to look at.

"What's going on?" Mikey's voice came from the outside, curious and slightly worried "Guys?"

Frank crawled down to peek his head inside. He met eyes with a small Gerard. He was bitting his lips, holding his knees close to his chest. He moved one hand to tuck his hair behind his ear; blonde strands clearly visible. He blinked at Frank who gave him a comforting smile. The smile made Gerard blush and thus he tried hiding his face by resting his forehead atop of his knees.

"Found him" Frank informed as Gerard locked eyes with him again, smiling lightly.

Mikey sprinted inside, accidentally bumping into Ray.

"Come out?" Frank offered a hand to his step-brother. Gerard nodded, accepting the hand. His perfectly white hand was cold as ever, but oh so soft.

Gerard crawled out, eventually standing straight up, moving dust off his clothes.

"You okay?" Ray and Mikey asked at the exact same time. Gerard looked almost nervously between the two, nodding lightly.

"What happened?" Frank asked, deciding not to make physical contact with Gerard.

"I- I feel sorry for-" hearing Ray's and Mikey's gasp, Gerard stopped talking and his tone toughened "Look what you're doing to me, Frank? I was so perfect, I-"

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