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Frank waited outside the classroom after the bell rang; Mikey was probably still putting his books into his bag.

Once he did see his step-brother's head walking out the door along with the bunch, he rose his hand to make sure Mikey sees him.

Mikey nodded and walked over.

"So" Mikey began with a smirk "Looks like Gerard likes you"

"I was actually just thinking about that" Frank informs.

"I mean, the teacher's son dies all of a sudden, scratching on the door" Mikey quirks an eyebrow "Sounds pretty Gerard-like to me"

"But why?" Frank frowned in thought. They stopped by Frank's locker.

"I don't know. Probably because the teacher made you sort-of uncomfortable" Mikey shrugged "He doesn't kill for me very often"

"Has he ever?"

"Oh, yeah" Mikey nodded, helping Frank with opening his locker.

"Thanks" Frank mumbled, taking books for Maths "Wait. You think Gerard killed the teacher's son?"

Mikey rolled his eyes, snorting "Yeah. He does that all the time"

"But he was here! In the school! I saw him. We saw him!"

"Nah, he does long distance murders" Mikey waved the argument away.

"Your brother is a murderer and you're okay with it?" Frank frowned, closing his locker.

"I'm telling you, he's been like that for eleven years now" Mikey shrugged, pushing up his glasses.

"What happened to him? Please, just tell me already"

The bell rang.

Frank groaned, hitting his fist against a near-by locker. Mikey shrugged and led Frank to the Maths classroom.


Oh, how Frank loved the wind when it would comb through his hair. It was one of his favorite cycling features. Just the ability of being outside, moving, exercising and sitting at the same time was the best thing he could imagine.

"Now" Frank said seriously "Tell me about Gerard"

Mikey sighed "It's a long-ish story. When Gerard was seven - I was four at the time - our Dad's close friend died. I don't remember what it was, some illness I guess. The four of us went to the funeral. When it ended, we walked back to our car. We were all certain Gerard was with us, we even heard the door slamming shut. I knew the seat next to me was empty, but I was little so I mentioned it only when we arrived home. Mom cried loads. She usually triple-checks to see if we're all in the car. She had no idea why didn't she do it that time. My parents spent three days searching around the cemetery. After no signs of Gerard, the decided to call the police. I understood non of what was going on and spent most of my days at Ray's. Three months later, the cops called my Mom to say they've found Gerard. We all drove to the cemetery. The cops led us to a mid-sized mausoleum. In it, on some kind of a stone throne, Gerard sat. He had his legs crossed, elbows resting on the arm resters of the throne. He held all his fingertips touching. He had long, black hair. I didn't even recognize him. Then, he said 'Hello, family' and we took him home. Ever since then, he's been a troublemaker, death-causer and he was basically bathing himself in black"

"Wow, this sounded like you were reading it off a paper" Frank laughed softly.

"It's the family's tragedy" Mikey shrugged "It kinda curves into your brain"

Frank nodded, taking a left turn as he slowly memorized the way home. He frowned in thought "What do you mean with 'he had long, black hair'?"

"Oh, right! Before that 'incident', Gerard had short, platinum blonde hair"

Frank's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, and he was literally a heaven's angel. He'd help Mom around the house, he'd take care of me, he'd always be nice. He taught me everything I know" Mikey looked down; Frank was certain he saw a tear streaming down his cheek.

Frank sighed. He couldn't even imagine how hard life must have been for the Ways for the last eleven years. It was probably the reason for the divorce. Mr Way definitely couldn't take up Gerard anymore.

He wondered what actually happened to Gerard. What happened at the cemetery. Why did an angelic boy have to change into a demonic one. Why did Mikey have to lose a brother. Why did Mr and Mrs Way have to lose a son.

"It's okay" Mikey cut Frank out of his thoughts, taking another left turn and entering the street "Ray tells me every day just to wait for the day Gerard will come back. The old, the real Gerard. And I believe that. I believe I'll have my brother back"

Frank smiled widely "That's the spirit. Keep it on"

Mikey nodded "Do you know he does drugs?"

"He does?"

"Yeah, but you can't see it on him. Nor the alcohol. It's like he takes it, but it has zero effect on him" Mikey laughed, but there was pain behind his voice.

They stopped in the house's driveway.

"You coming inside?" Frank asked, pointing his thumb at the dark house.

Mikey snorted, already putting the bikes into the garage and entering the house. Frank followed him inside. There was some noise coming from upstairs. Mikey waved it off, mouthing 'Gerard'. Mikey walked a circle around the living room, humming a weirdly familiar tune; Frank still on his tail. The two walked into the kitchen.

"There are still bagels, of course I'm coming inside" Mikey bit onto a bagel, making Frank laugh loudly.

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