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Frank stood up, readjusting the backpack on his back. He grabbed his black suitcase and made his way to the end of the hallway; the bottom of the staircase.

He took a long inhale before taking the first step.

The stair squeaked under his weight and he frowned. When Gerard walked these steps, they were barely hearable.

Every step along the half-circled staircase made the same noise; sometimes louder, sometimes quieter.

The first floor hallway was fully covered in dark wood (like the rest of the house), but Frank's problem was not the camouflage of the doors with the walls - it was all the doors being closed and the same.

A door at the very end of the hallway opened, but nobody seemed to be opening it. The particular door was on some sort of a platform; it took two extra stairs to reach it.

"Come inside"

Frank recognized the spooky, ghost-like voice as Gerard's. The voice came from inside the room and Frank decided to obey.

Almost stumbling over the two stairs he knew were there (thanks for clumsy genes, Dad), he made his way inside.

The room was entirely black, it almost looked like a black surface with furniture camouflaging with it. And Gerard camouflaging with it.

All until he turned to face Frank and his bright, white skin brought attacking contrast to the rest of the room.

After a moment of looking, Frank could tell out shapes.

On his left was an empty, black desk, pushed against the wall the doors stood on; probably waiting for him to become its new owner. Opposite of the desk, were two black beds, both pushed against the wall to their sides. Next the the left bed (the one Gerard was standing next to), was another desk, but this one was filled with black books and writing equipment. Gerard held his white hand on the top of a black, wooden chair that sat under the desk. The carpet was maybe wool, but also black. There were no windows. On the his right was a mid-long wall, filled with many shelves full of black books.

"This will be your bed" Gerard spoke, pointing to the bed on the right "Your desk" he pointed at the desk Frank was standing next to "And I wish not to be bothered. That's my first warning"

Frank gulped, suddenly understanding his father's nervousness.

He rested his suitcase and backpack on the floor beside the desk, mentally thanking God for choosing to wear black today.

Frank sighed and boldly spoke "We should get to meet each other" he held his hand out as he approached Gerard "I'm Frank Iero"

Gerard cringed in disgust as he looked at Frank's pale hand "I know your name. And I don't care a single bit"

Frank pouted, not knowing how to respond to that.


Frank woke up, uncomfortably.

He was scared of sleeping in the same room with his creepy step-brother. The fear only became worse when Gerard didn't come home last night.

Gerard's mother assured him Gerard would be back, but he never came and Frank spent the night awake. He feared Gerard appearing out of nowhere and killing him.

It was a Monday morning and Frank was eating bagels in the dining room. Gerard's mother sure was a fine baker. He suggested her to open a bakery but she just laughed the idea off.

She respected his vegetarian diet and offered him many yummy veggies. He was very happy. She was a nice woman. She reminded him of his mother.

"Hi, Mom" Mikey chimed in, stealing one of Frank's bagels as he passed by.

"Hey!" Frank laughed.

Mikey got a kiss on the cheek from his mother and bit onto the bagel, moaning in enjoyment. Frank didn't blame him the tiniest bit. The bagels were to die for.

"How come you're here so early?" Mikey's mother questioned him "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for school?"

Mikey swallowed the piece of bagel before answering "I woke up early and thought Frank might want to go to school with me"

Frank looked up at the mother and son who stared at him, his eyes wide "I- Uhm, sure"

"You have a bike?" Mikey questioned, stealing a piece of cheese his mother was cutting.

"A bike?"

"You know, those two wheel vehicles-"

"I know what a bike is, thanks" Frank rolled his eyes "I do have one, it's in the garage"

"Great, let's go!" Mikey zipped his black, leather jacket.

He got smacked on the arm by his mother "Let the boy eat!"

Mikey mumbled a 'sorry'.

The front door opened. Gerard walked in graciously as ever with the same plain expression. He immediately made his way to the staircase, bot caring to say 'hello' or something.

Frank her Gerard's mother sob quietly. With every moment he spent in this family, he was more interested in what happened to Gerard.

"Let's go, Mikey"

They said their 'goodbye's to the Mrs and walked out; she gave them some bagels for school which they were super thankful for.

Mikey's bike was red, the same shape and brand as Frank's green one.

The drove down the empty street, when Frank's cellphone suddenly rang. They both stopped to see who was calling.

"It's my boyfriend" Frank sighed.

"You have a boyfriend?" Mikey asked, trying to to sound offensive.

Frank nodded, bringing the phone to his ear "Hey, Bob"

"Hi, babe. How was the move-in?"

"Cool. I share a room with my step-brother"

"Aw, too bad, baby. That means I can't come over"

Frank sighed "Yeah. I'll see you soon, right?"

"As soon as possible, honey"

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