c h a p t e r f o u r

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It's been three months since Frank and his father moved in with Gerard and his mother. Frank spent literally no time with his creepy step-brother; he'd say 'good night' and 'good morning', he'd be nice, but Gerard would simply ignore him.

Every day, he'd hang out with Mikey. They'd ride their bikes wherever they'd go and they soon became best friends.

Frank got to talk a lot with Ray too. He was a great guy, very generous and friendly. The only guy that would stand or sit next to Gerard in school; not caring about Gerard ignoring him nor about all of his grandparents being dead. He believed Gerard would change back someday.

Frank was fascinated with the strength of Ray's hope.

Mikey showed Frank some pictures of Gerard before the incident. He looked like the happiest person in the world. He'd hug Mikey in almost every picture. His hair was super bright and short, as Mikey had described. He wore non of black, he ever had flower crowns on his head. He was nowhere near who Gerard is today.

Frank has witnessed many people dying when someone would bully him or Mikey. Well, not exactly 'witnessed'. He just found out people died after those times.

"Has he ever killed for you?" Frank asked Ray as he chewed on his broccoli in the school cafeteria.

Ray chuckled at the question and swallowed the food in his mouth "Yeah, actually. Just once. I wasn't allowed on the soccer team and he happened to walk by. The coach's wife died. The next day, I asked to be on the team again, coach said 'no' again. His daughter died. Then he realized what was going on and allowed me to join the team"

"Are you even good at soccer?" Frank rose an eyebrow, laughing softly.

"Oh, yeah" Ray glanced at Mikey for no particular reason "I wasn't allowed on the team before there were too many guys already on it"

Frank nodded and Mikey spoke up "Let's go sit with him"

Frank choked on his salad while Ray slowly stood up, agreeing with the idea. Frank still sat, staring at the two in disbelief "I don't think that's a good idea"

"Why?" Ray snorted, putting his hand out to help Frank up "He's just gonna ignore us anyway"

Frank sighed and picked up his tray. He carried it as he followed the two to a distanced table, where Gerard sat in his black, gown-like outfit. He eyed them all while they took seats; Ray next to him, Mikey opposite of Ray and Frank opposite of Gerard.

"Hey, Gee" Ray said, deciding not to nudge Gerard with his elbow.

Frank bit onto his bottom lip, expecting Gerard's response.

"How are you?" Ray continued "Ready for the Maths exam next class? Ha, Gee?"

"Stop calling me that" Gerard said in a deep and airy voice.

Frank smiled subconsciously. No matter how intimidating, Gerard's voice was pretty.

The bell rang and Ray said 'bye' to the two freshmen, walking to class with Gerard.

After school, Mikey and Frank walked to the town library where Mikey attended a reading group; earlier that week, Mikey offered Frank to join him and Frank said 'why not'.

"Dude that's one creepy ass house right there" Frank laughed as they passed by an abandoned house during their walk to the town center. It was in ruins and looked very old.

Mikey laughed too "Looks like something you'd find Gee in"

"What are you doing here?"

Frank and Mikey stumbled backwards when they saw Gerard's figure on the doorless doorway. They started to pant in surprise.

Gerard started to graciously make his way out of the house, dropping a half-smoked joint.

"H-Hi Gerard" Mikey stuttered out.

"Hello" Frank whispered.

"Off you go, rat" Gerard narrowed his eyes at his brother "Shoo"

Mikey turned his gaze to his shoes and walked off, leaving Frank alone and scared.

Frank cursed under his breath repeatedly, watching Mikey go. He them turned back to eyes Gerard.

"Well?" Gerard rose an eyebrow, putting his hand out "Don't you have somewhere to walk to?"

Frank gulped, holding a tighter grip on his backpack straps. He said nothing and just started to walk. Gerard accompanied him.

"Erm, how are you?" Frank tried to start a conversation. He looked up to see Gerard was smiling; was Gerard really tall or is Frank's shortness doing the job again?

"Thrilling" Gerard smiled, gaze straight before him. His hands were behind his back, fingers tangled.

Frank tried to chill a little. Gerard was trying to have a genuine conversation, he might as well cooperate.

"You dating anyone?"

Gerard looked down at Frank, cringing "What kind of a question is that?"

Frank gulped, that really wasn't a question he should've asked "I-"

"No, Frank, I'm not dating anyone" Gerard returned his gaze to the distance.

Frank bit his bottom lip, overly happy because Gerard knew his name. Silly Frank, you're his step-brother, how wouldn't he know your name?

"Have you ever?" Frank proceeded the topic.

Gerard sighed, his voice sounded more relaxed than Frank had ever heard "Yes, I have. I've had a girlfriend until last year"

"Oh" Frank jumped to keep up (dammit, short legs) "What happened?"

Gerard snorted, looking down for a moment "Finally got the allowance to break up with her"

"It was a forced relationship?" Frank frowned, trying to put the not-many pieces together.

"Let's just say my father is a silly man" Gerard said while looking into Frank's eyes, a smile on his face.

It was not a warm smile nor an angel-like one that Gerard had when he was a young boy. It was more 'satisfied devil-like'. Don't ask, Frank gets weird when it comes to making comparisons.

"If it were my way" Gerard continued, returning his gaze upwards "I wouldn't even date girls"

Now Frank grinned. Bingo, he thought to himself (completely forgetting about the existence of his boyfriend).

"You seem like a cool guy" Frank suddenly became brave as a lion, even elbowing Gerard's arm "Why don't you hang out with people more?"

Gerard's voice switched back into a demon-like, scary one "Don't touch me"

Where the courage came from, Frank didn't know. He elbowed Gerard again "I'm not afraid of you, big guy. I just wanna be your friend"

"This is your last warning, Frank" Gerard threatened.

Frank climbed on the balls of his feet, placing his left arm around Gerard's shoulders "I told you I'm not afraid of you"

"Your phone is ringing"

Frank cringed, because his phone was not in fact ringing. But he took it out of his pocket and looked at it. A few moments later, it started ringing. His father was calling.

"Frank, I'm so sorry, I just got a call from Bob's mother. He had a car accident. He didn't make it out alive. I'm sorry, son"

Frank's face dropped and he lowered his phone, tears beginning to flow.

"Don't say I didn't warn you"

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