c h a p t e r e l e v e n

469 30 33

Trigger warning: choking, murder, blood

Ray sat calmly in his seat, in the back of the classroom. Nervously, he'd glance at the door every other second; Gerard had still not arrived. The bell rang and he cursed under his breath.

The teacher started the class, managing to say only six words before he was cut off by the door opening.

Ray grinned at the sight of Gerard, while everybody else had chills running down their spines. The teacher sighed, waiting for Gerard's apology for being late, but never getting it; Gerard didn't even glance at him. Gerard just swung his backpack off his shoulder and threw it on the ground, sitting next to Ray lazily.

"Good morning, Ray"

Ray's mouth fell slightly agape at the soft sound of Gerard's voice "Hi, Gee"

Gerard bit him bottom lip, not complaining about the nickname this time. He let out a small, quiet sigh and stared at his moving hand on the top of the table.

Still, the teacher stood tall, staring at the mysterious boy. The class wasn't in dead silence; everybody whispered between each other.

The teacher had arrived to the school only a few months ago; around the time Frank started going to the school. He was the biology teacher only to the seniors. He often got ignored by Gerard, unaware of his life story (but then again, Gerard ignored every teacher). When he complained to the other teachers, they just told him about Gerard. He angrily tolerated Gerard's ignorant behavior.

But he's had enough.

"Mr Way?" the teacher began "Mind explaining why I'm seeing you enter my classroom past bell-time?"

Gerard only blinked, gaze still plastered to his hand. Ray bit his bottom lip, not wanting something bad to happen and praying for the teacher to back off. The rest of the class silenced, interested in what was going to happen. Nobody ever witnessed a teacher confronting Gerard Way. The last time that happened, Gerard was very young and it ended up in him screaming; leaving a few of his past classmates incurably deaf. But that was a class Gerard was in when he was young. These classmates never ever witnessed something like this.

"Mr Way" the teacher pursued "I asked a question"

Gerard clicked his tongue and groaned quietly. A few girls in the front of the class started to giggle.

Ray opened his mouth to politely tell the teacher to back off, but he was stopped before he could start with the sound of Gerard clearing his throat. Gerard moved his eyes to stare straight into the teacher's eyes. The teacher tilted his head expectingly.

Gerard only blinked again, his jaw clenching. Deciding his glare was enough to get the teacher off his back, he looked back down.

The teacher sighed loudly, starting to pace closer to Gerard's and Ray's desk. He paced by it and soon found himself behind the table.

"Hood off, Mr Way"

Gerard cleared his throat again, shifting in his seat slightly. But he didn't obey. His silence was a warning. Every ignorant action of his was a warning.

Gerard's eyes widened when he felt the teacher grabbing a fistful of the top of his hood and pulling it down.

The teacher smiled in satisfaction. The entire class gasped; Ray didn't know if he was gasping for the same reason as the class or because of the four strands of blonde hair that now faced him.

The teacher began to laugh softly, shaking his head. Oblivious. Completely oblivious.

Gerard's face formed into a frowned expression. He jumped out of his seat and pinned the teacher down to the floor with ease, holding a hand tightly around the man's neck. The teacher started to choke and cough; Gerard just looked at him, tilting his head to the side.

Most of the class was on their feet; not daring to come closer. Ray stood up too, saying Gerard's name quietly in attempt to move him away from causing damage. Gerard only growled to shush him.

He smirked at the regret and pleading in the teacher's eyes. Soon, the smirk turned into a toothy grin.

Gerard quickly lowered his head down and moved his hand to the side of the man's neck, sinking his teeth into the man's neck. The girls in the classroom began to scream loudly, while some boys laughed and Ray swore.

The teacher's skin began to pale and his body became calm, lifeless. Gerard rose his head, exhaling and humming. He turned his head to face the class and expose his bloodied mouth and teeth. He was panting, but smiled at Ray who was on the verge of pulling his hair out.

Even though the class had only began, there was a rush hearable outside the classroom. The doorknob turned and the entire class looked at the door.

Ray looked down to find only the teacher's dead body and no Gerard. The curtain by an opened window swung and Ray sighed, knowing Gerard ran away. This was the biggest scene he's ever caused, thus his runaway wasn't odd.

Many students gasped and screamed as they entered the classroom which contained the dead body, teachers loudly tried to push between the crowd. Ray just wanted to get out of there, he just wanted to find Mikey and Frank.

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