c h a p t e r f i f t e e n

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"You just can't keep your goddamn mouth shut, can you?!" Mikey shoved Frank, causing the short boy to stumble and almost fall.

"I'm sorry, Mikey, I-"

"You're not sorry! You're an asshole! You think only about yourself!" Mikey proceeded to shove Frank, until Ray caught him and stopped him. Mikey immediately hugged Ray, not knowing what else to do. He cried into Ray's shoulder desperately.

Frank regretted his words when he saw Mikey's tears. Sometimes, he really should keep his mouth shut. Mikey was the person who lost a brother and bore with a hole in his chest for years. Frank was truly being selfish.

Noticing Ray wouldn't even look at him, Frank frowned; a plan cooking in his head. He stomped past the two, not giving them a single glance. Without a word, he made his way out of the cemetery.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Mikey sobbed loudly, but got no response. Ray comforted them and they turned, leaving the cemetery at the place where they entered.

Frank didn't know where Gerard went, but he didn't care anyway. He didn't want to look for him. He'll go home. He'll lay in his bed. He'll wait for Gerard.

He arrived home very fast, not even noticing how much time actually passed. He searched his pockets for his key, but he probably forgot it. He groaned, sitting down on the doorstep, because he knew both his father and step-mother were working. There was no way for him to enter the house.

He pushed some rocks with his feet, huffing air and closing his eyes. He was bored to the gut. Mikey probably had a key. He should've waited for Mikey to calm down and walked home with him. There's no turning back now.

He sighed as he finally watched a car coming into the driveway. He stood up and fixed his hair, taking a step to his left to make space for the adults to open the door. He started to tap his foot absent-mindedly.

"Hello, Frank" Mrs Way (clear up those last names, please!!) greeted with a wide grin "Have you forgotten your key?"

"Hi" Frank mumbled impatiently.

"Frank" Mr Iero spoke worriedly, placing a hand on Frank's shoulder "Is something wrong?"

Frank shook his head nervously, he just wanted to go up to his room. Leave me alone, he begged mentally.

"Oh, how was school?" Mrs Way asked excitedly.

"School?" Frank basically whispered, gaining a risen eyebrow from his father. They can't find out they had missed school. They can't know about the murder. Well, they'll find out when the school calls them. Frank needed today, just to be calm. No rush.

"Yeah, how was Gerard? Did he hang out with you much?" Mrs Way gave smile almost as warm as he bagels.

"E- Erm" Frank blinked, thinking hard to come up with an excuse "Dad, I really gotta pee, can we talk later?"

The couple's eyes widened and Frank's Dad unlocked the door quickly. Frank mumbled some thankful words and ran into the house. Luckily, the bathroom was upstairs where his room was too. Fast, he made his way to the door that led to his and Gerard's bedroom. The second he opened the door, he threw his backpack to the floor and looked at the beds.

He found Gerard sitting on his own bed. Perfect.

Frank approached his step-brother quickly, kissing him on the mouth without any warning. Gerard thus fell backwards onto his back. Gerard let out a sound of discomfort(?), closing his eyes tightly shut. The more Frank would move his lips, the more Gerard's face relaxed. Frank cupped Gerard's face with both hands, not allowing any disconnection. Their lips began to move in perfect sync and Frank was just waiting for the opportunity to slip his tongue inside Gerard's mouth.

And Gerard allowed that. Their tongues fought for dominance, every movement more sensual than the other. Gerard's hands started to move faster; fingers tangling in Frank's greasy hair.

The separated for a mere moment, only to catch their breaths. Frank's eyes were halfway open, while Gerard blinked twice revealing his beautiful dark eyes completely.

"Shut your eyes" Frank instructed, closing his own "Kiss me"

Gulping, Gerard closed his own eyes and pulled Frank's head down, going back into the wet kiss. They both held their eyes closed, relaxed and calm. Gerard's eyebrows furrowed, as he felt Frank's hands shifting down. Nowhere special, just to the bottom hem of his own shirt. Frank started to take his shirt off and threw it behind himself, sure not to open his eyes.

But Gerard couldn't resist it. He bit his bottom lip as he stared at the beautiful boy above him. Frank moaned into Gerard's neck, leaving hickeys already. Gerard placed a hand onto Frank's head, ruffling his hair and furrowing brows in concentration; he didn't want to let out an embarrassing moan or some similar sound.

"Frank? Is everything alright?"

Gerard growled loudly, keeping Frank's head on his neck with his left hand and rising his right one into the air. The sound of the door getting locked was hear and Mrs Way gasped behind the door.

Gerard now couldn't contain himself anymore, he moaned loudly, eyes closing again. He felt Frank's cheeks rising into a smile on the skin of his neck. He himself smiled as well.

Frank touched the bottom hem of Gerard's shirt and  waited for any sign of disagreement. After receiving none, he started to pull Gerard's shirt off and Gerard worked along. The kiss only got faster and more heated by second. Gerard started to intentionally tangle them into his black blanket. Soon enough, belts were getting unbuckled, pants dropped to the floor.

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