c h a p t e r s i x

536 29 47

Trigger warning: blood, throwing up

"You murderer!" Frank yelled at Gerard, who stumbled off the bed and weakly fell to the floor; his weak arms keeping him up. Gerard was panting, not able to catch his breath; choking basically.

"How dare you?!" Frank stood up from the bed, aware of the tears on his face. He was just too angry at his step-brother to weep now "First my boyfriend and now my grandmother?!"

"P- Please" Gerard begged between breaths "Stay b- back"

Frank stood even closer "You can not go around killing people just like that! You're a damned monster! I hate you!"

"Please, Fra-" Gerard's speaking was cut off with the wave of blood coming out of his mouth violently. He threw up blood and blood only, leaving a visible stain even on the blackness of the room's floor.

Frank cringed in disgust, walking around Gerard who continued to vomit. Frank rushed out the door and yelled "Mrs Way! Dad! Mrs Way!"

Soon enough, the newly weds entered the black room, to see Gerard on his knees on the floor in only his boxer briefs. He was coughing; the throwing up must've stopped.

"Gerard, honey" Mrs Way kneeled down next to her son, going to place a hand on his head. Just to move the hair out of his face and to support his weak body. Gerard rose a hand, in a way to threaten his mother. She let out a sob at the action and stayed back; still kneeling next to the boy and watching him.

"Don't touch me" Gerard said, trying to stand up. He managed to keep in balance as he stood, not eying his family members and just approaching his bed to finally lie under its covers, facing the wall.

Mr Iero sighed, holding his sobbing wife. Frank decided only to nod at his father as the pair left the room.

Frank went straight to bed, not making a noise again (but he could bet he heard a few heavy breaths from his step-brother).


"What. Is. Wrong. With. You. Frank?!"

Frank sat shyly in front of Ray who we currently (hopefully ending) giving him a lesson.

"I said, loud and clear, do not encounter him! And if you remember what happened last time, why the hell would you touch him?!" Ray almost started pulling his hair out "If he was being friendly and even lied in bed with you, why would you ruin it?!"

"I'm sorry" Frank said in a small voice. He would kill to have Mikey by his side now. Mikey decided not to attend school today; he just simply couldn't (his Mom calling about last night's events only made him feel worse).

Ray sighed, calming down "I know you didn't mean anything wrong. I'm just- I'm sorry. I just really want him back and you're kind of not helping"

"I'll stop being irresponsible, I promise" Frank said, straightening his pose "How's Mikey doing?"

"Ah, he'll be fine" Ray sighed again, allowing himself to sit down "He's been through worse things"


Frank found Gerard still lying in bed when he came home from school; just where he left him in the morning.

Not sure if he should say anything at all, Frank quietly approached his own bed and lied his schoolbag by it. He went to take out his books when he heard Gerard shifting in his bed.

Gerard was supporting himself up on his elbow (Frank guessed), looking at Frank with tired eyes. Frank had never seen Gerard like this. Gerard was usually a very perfect person; flawless. Now, he looked like he was recovering from a sickness.

Or maybe the drugs were putting an effect on him at last.

"Good evening" Gerard said monotonous. Frank gulped and mumbled the same words as a response, making Gerard sit up in his bed; the black blanket softly cuddling his muscular body.

Yes, Frank saw and was aware Gerard was now fully clothed. But last night's image of Gerard just wouldn't leave his thoughts.

Frank noticed Gerard had left his shoes off and beside the bed. Unusual, but not too interesting.

"Wanna sleep together tonight?" Gerard asked.

Frank froze at the words. He couldn't believe those words just left Gerard's mouth. He forced himself to nod slowly and somehow managed to only smile lightly. Gerard smiled too.

Frank excused himself to leave to the bathroom. When he returned, Gerard stood highly by his bed, awaiting him quietly. Frank felt sorry and bad for making Gerard go through pain of throwing up, but there was no turning back time.

Frank lied next to the wall, nodding for Gerard to join him. Gerard carefully entered the bed, even giving Frank a soft smile.

Still a safe distance separated the two, but they felt comfortable.

"I'm sorry" Frank let out silently. Gerard hummed and nodded; Frank took that as a positive response.

They stared into each other's eyes for God knows how long, but neither minded.

Frank could see the awful evil in Gerard's eyes. But he could see behind it too. He could bet he saw the real Gerard trapped deep inside; he saw the light behind Gerard's eyes. There was hope behind the blackness.

"Do you remember yourself from before?" Frank asked boldly.

"The me from before was pathetic" Gerard replied with an unnoticeable sigh "I don't like remembering myself from before"

"I didn't know you from before" Frank spoke evenly "But I think he was a better person than you now"

"He would disagree"

Frank didn't want to push the 'who is he' topic, so he decided to change the subject "How do you feel about living with one parent?"

Gerard just shrugged "How do you feel about your mother's death?"

Frank shivered, the whole accident replaying in his head "H- How do you know my Mom died?"

"Easy. I killed her"

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