c h a p t e r e i g h t

502 31 18

"Frank, you don't have to explain anything, it's alright"

Mrs Way fortunately stopped the awkward silence at the dining table during breakfast. Frank really didn't feel like talking about kissing his step-brother.

Speaking of the said, he hadn't gotten up from his bed. Nor could he hide his sobs. Frank could tell them clearly. He felt bad, for he didn't know a simple kiss would upset Gerard as much. Knowing Ray's instructions, he decided not to go in and apologize. No; he'll leave Gerard to some alone time.

Mr Iero helped Mrs Way into her jacket. Frank would occasionally have deep-thought moments of wondering why didn't the couple decide on the last name matter yet, but it was adult business and not a place for Frank to wonder.

"Have fun in school!" Frank's father called from the front door, before closing it low-audibly. Frank could soon hear the car's engine and see the car drive off through the living room window.

He got up, taking his plate to the kitchen sink. He slowly made his way to the living room, stretching out his arms and letting out an uncontrollable yawn. The heard soft footsteps on the stairs; and a sad sniffle. He turned to the doorway between the infamous hallway and the living room. Gerard was opening the doors for himself and exiting the house.

But his appearance was what made Frank's eyes pop.

Gerard's hair was still greasy, but not as neatly put as usual. His clothes were still black, but not gown-like. It looked like a more casual, loose outfit. The oddest thing was a black backpack hanging off Gerard's right shoulder. Gerard never took his backpack to school; everybody knew that.

Frank kept the thoughts on hold as he checked through his own black backpack and pulled on a pair of darkblue sneakers; not bothering to tie the white straps and leaving them loose. Mikey had an early dentist's appointment, so waiting for him was not on today's schedule.

Frank rode his bike alone.


Mikey had arrived to school just in time for lunch. He sat down next to Frank and soon the girly chatting began.

"He told me my teeth look gay" Mikey told, rolling his eyes and letting out a chuckle.

Frank cringed while laughing softly "Why the hell would he say that?"

"Apparently, my teeth are nowhere near being straight" Mikey rose his hands in the air and let gravity take them back down fast.

Frank covered his mouth with the back of his hand as he laughed, trying to prevent spitting out any food "Fun dentist you have"

Mikey nodded happily, moving his hair aside "How have you been?"

Frank swallowed. Was it smart to tell Mikey he kissed his brother? Any information of Gerard related occurrences was treasured. But would this just be going to far or something?

"Frank?" Mikey waved a hand before Frank's too focused eyes. The napkin really wasn't that interesting.

"Yeah, I've- I may have crossed a line" Frank spoke slowly and cautiously. He looked Mikey in the eyes, blinking two times firmly.

"What do you mean?" Mikey tilted his head questioningly. Frank only managed to open his mouth, but not reply to that. Because Ray had just chimed in with possibly the widest grin America's ever seen.

"You guys won't believe what I just witnessed" the owner of the fabulous afro announced, taking a seat across the two freshmen. He lied his palms on the table and looked between Frank and Mikey.

"What?" Mikey straightened his pose to focus it on Ray, high interest hearable in his voice.

Frank just gave a look to Ray; it showed interest more than any audible way.

Ray's lips formed into a smirk "I was casually walking through the west hallway - which you both know is empty during lunch - and I hear a loud groan from the guys' restroom. Maybe even a miserable sob. And I walk closer. Still no recognition. And I walk closer. I still can't recogn-"

"Ray, just get to the point!" Frank rushed him "Please"

Ray nodded "Okay. So, I push the door open. Since, you know, those doors aren't actually closable. Yeah, and I see exactly who I thought would be wandering the school where there ain't a single living soul. Gerard. He's standing in front of the mirror; sobbing, groaning occasionally and cursing everything he could possibly think of. But I wonder why. That's when I notice he's holding up a strand of his hair. I can't see it clearly so I look for it in the reflection in the mirror. And I see...a blonde strand"

Mikey jumped up to stand, his jaw dropping down along side Frank's. Mikey started to talk so fast, Frank nor Ray could understand a single word. Frank was too shocked to make any sounds. Mikey's mouth were put into a wide smile, but his cheeks were stained with tears. Happy tears, of course.

"What could this mean?" Frank spoke quietly. But loud enough for both other boys to hear him.

"This could mean we could be getting Gerard back" Ray replied to his wonders with a hopeful smile. Frank couldn't stop himself from smiling as well. Mikey was basically screeching by now.

Frank's gaze rose over Ray's shoulder. Gerard stood at the cafeteria entrance, body facing the room sideways. His face showed sadness and maybe even fear. He looked at Frank, their eyes locking for a few moments. Gerard was far and in the dark of the hallway, but Frank could see it. Frank could see the long, bleach blonde strand of hair on the left side of Gerard's greasy head. Hope had just gone through its renaissance.

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