c h a p t e r n i n e

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"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God"

Mikey was not to able to be spoken to. His happiness couldn't be stopped and he only spoke to himself. Frank didn't blame him not a single slightest bit. Eleven years. For eleven years, Mikey's been waiting for something like this to happen. Today, he's had moments of screeching, crying, jumping uncontrollably and many more. Ray's smile wouldn't drop.

Currently, Mikey and Frank were riding their bikes back home. Frank wasn't as happy as Mikey was. And Mikey was starting to notice that.

"Hey, man!" Mikey called, catching up with Frank. He was literally riding his bike dreamily, there was no other way to describe it "It's a celebration-worthy day! Cheer up!"

Frank only nodded, his bottom lip finding its way to between his teeth. His mind was way too filled to let his mouth know it should curl into a smile.

What if his kiss was what made Gerard's hair change color. Should he come even closer to Gerard. Is he the key in returning Gerard. What was gonna happen next. What should he expect of tonight.

"What's wrong Frank?" Mikey's smile dropped and his face now welcomed a worried frown.

Now, Frank felt even worse. Mikey was so happy for once. If he tells him what had actually happened, he'll just ruin Mikey's mood. But he must tell him. He must. He will.

"Remember when I told you about crossing the line?" Frank began, stopping, climbing off his bike and taking it to the garage.

Mikey nodded, interested. He caught up with Frank and parked his own bike beside Frank's.

The two boys entered the house before another word was exchanged. Knowing there was nobody home (the couple were working and Gerard was still in school), Frank sighed, knowing he can speak freely.

"Last night, I kissed Gerard"

Mikey's jaw dropped and his eyes widened - the expected first reaction.

"You did what?" Mikey spoke slowly and rather quietly; no threat hearable in his voice yet.

"I know it's wrong but just hear me out" Frank paused, waiting for Mikey's possible response.

Mikey remained silent.

"I- I- I think I love Gerard" Frank choked out "The sound of his voice, the way he moves, the secrets he hides - it all just gets to me and- and I really, really like him. I think I've been liking him from, like, the first day. And we've recently gotten closer, as you kn-know. So- So I just guess I took my shot. I don't know"

They both stood in silence. It wasn't too uncomfortable. Then, Mikey started to speak in a very quiet voice, as if he had just started understanding something.

"And the next day, Gerard had a blonde strand"

Frank gulped "Yeah"

Mikey jumped, shaking Frank happily "Well that's awesome!"

Frank groaned "How the hell is that awesome, Mikey?"

"How don't you understand?" Mikey let go of Frank (which Frank was thankful for) and started to pace circles around the living room "That means it was about love all along! Gerard fell in love with you Frank! And now, love is killing whatever demon is in him!"

"Why do you think Gerard loves me?" Frank crossed his arms on his chest, remaining oblivious "He killed my Mom, my boyfriend and my grandmother"

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