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"You did what?!" Frank screamed out.

"Quieter" Gerard warned calmly "Wouldn't want to draw attention"

Frank was unaware of the waterfalls of tears streaming down his cheeks. It was painful enough to bring up he memory of his mothers death. Hearing she was in fact killed, pained even more.

You see, Frank was a witness of his mother's death. She was driving him to his guitar lesson, when a drunk driver hit their car. Frank got out with only a broken finger. His mother though, lied weakly, pressed down by the heavy car. Frank called 911 as soon as he could think straight enough. He couldn't help but cry as he waited for the ambulance to arrive. Thus he buried his head into his hands and wept. By the time the doctors arrived to the scene, Mrs Iero was dead.

"She was alive when I found her" Gerard said "You were crying your heart out not more than two feet away from us"

"Why would you kill her?!" Frank somehow found the strength to yell at Gerard; quieter this time, he was cautious.

Gerard just shrugged "I happened to be thirsty and passing by. That drunken fool gave me a clear opportunity of a meal"

"But she was my Mom!" Frank cried, sobs making him stumble on words "Couldn't you have picked another victim?!"

Gerard tsked two times "Now, now Frank. That's pure selfishness from you"

Frank didn't even want to reply to that. He just cried. What he needed now was a strong and loving embrace. Something Bob would usually give him. But Bob is gone now too.

All because of Gerard.

Frank hesitated in giving Gerard's nose a fine punch.

But Gerard was somewhat right. It would be bad for anyone to die. Frank's mother was just another victim of the world. Gerard couldn't have known the two would've become step-brothers. Mrs Iero meant nothing to Gerard. Gerard was not the one to blame for her death. Frank breathed in, calming himself down. Waterfalls became silent drops.

Gerard smiled at him.

Frank's mind erased anything from a moment ago. Gerard's smile could stop his world whenever. It was oh so precious. Not to mention, rare. It was completely pure, joy-bringing. And it brought joy to Frank. Joy and hope. Frank believed what Ray and Mikey did. Gerard could be brought back. And Frank's gonna do everything to achieve that goal.


The next two weeks, Gerard spent in Frank's bed. It was common now. Frank wouldn't even have to invite Gerard; he would go straight to Frank's bed. They'd still keep the safe distance, Frank's mother would never be spoken of. They would mostly lay in comfortable silence, exchanging a smile here and there.

Gerard became more frequent with killing for Frank. If somebody would look at Frank in a way Gerard didn't like it, they'd have a relative's funeral to attend.

Oh, and Gerard would know if somebody glanced at Frank weirdly because Gerard followed Frank literally everywhere.

Sure, it appeared uncomfortable for Frank at first. It was as if he had a stalker he was aware of. But the feelings he had for his step-brother, gave a warm feeling of safety. Gerard would stay behind enough to give Frank his well deserved personal space. Gerard was respecting of Frank.

Gerard would still be his rude self. But Gerard's snaps and comebacks became chuckle-causing events. From both Frank and Gerard. It was as if Gerard said what he said jokingly. No physical contact would ever appear between the two, nut when it would accidentally, it would result in ignoring each other for a little while.

Mikey and Ray had grins on their faces, wider than ever. They walked with Frank and knowing Gerard was somewhere right behind their backs was amazing. Ray informed the two freshmen of Gerard's sudden interest in replying to his conversation starters.

But with the deaths still happening, the three knew they didn't make much progress.

This night, Gerard and Frank lied together (again).

Frank couldn't help but admire Gerard's beauty (which only he apparently saw) and wonder what must be cooking in Gerard's mind at the moment.

He broke the usual silence "Hey, Gerard?"

"Hmm?" Gerard moved a runaway strand of black hair off his face, showing slight interest to what Frank was about to say.

"I wanna try something" Frank said lastly, before turning his thoughts into actions.

He fluidly slid his left hand between Gerard's greasy hair to place it onto the back of his head, pulling him closer fast. He pressed his lips agains Gerard's and held them in place for a few moments. Gerard cringed in pain(?) and wanted to pull back. But those few moments of Frank's strength of keeping him close, calmed his reaction. His face relaxed, his brows stopped their tense furrow. Frank smirked mentally, starting to move his lips and encouraging Gerard to do so as well. Gerard did so and the kiss proceeded in beauty. The sync of their movements was purely natural. Gerard let out an uncontrollable moan and his brows started to furrow again. All until he separated the kiss with force and jumped out of the bed. Disgust was displayed all over his face, he was holding his hands up as if they were dirty.

"What are you doing?!" Gerard screamed a horror scream. Frank had to cover his ear to stop the pain Gerard's high-pitched scream was causing him. The whole house was surely awaken; maybe even a few neighbor houses. Gerard's mother and Frank's father chimed into the room and worriedly looked at their children. With the corner of his eyes, Frank saw Gerard's many tears. Gerard jumped into his own bed, hiding under the heavy, black covers. Frank heard a sob or two during the night. He had promised the adults to answer their questions in the morning.

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