c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n

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While the four walked between graves, Gerard wouldn't let go of Frank's hand. Frank smiled at their intertwined fingers, but Gerard pretended like it wasn't happening. He couldn't admit it to himself.

Gerard stopped when he felt Frank's hand stop him like an anchor stops a ship. The looked at Frank, who was sadly and painfully smiling at something. He dropped his gaze to find it was Frank's mother's grave. He bit his lip.

Hesitantly, Gerard decided to do what he thought was best. He came closer to his step-brother and wrapped his arms around Frank's frame. Frank's gasped ever so quietly at the embrace; a single tear escaping his eye.

"I'm sorry I killed your mother, Frank" Gerard whispered into Frank's shoulder "If I know it was your mother, I never would've touched her"

Frank sniffled "There's many people you wouldn't have killed if you got to meet them, Gerard"

Gerard sighed heavily. Still, he held Frank.

Behind the two, Mikey was almost jumping in his spot next to Ray. Ray couldn't stop grinning at him.

"Should I? Should I? Could I?" Mikey's words were almost unintelligible. Ray patted him on the back, calming him down slightly. He knew what Mikey wanted. Seeing Gerard was changing, Mikey wanted to talk to him. Basically, he just wanted his big brother back. Oh, and how beautiful it would feel to have a conversation with Gerard again.

"Just a sec, Mikes" Ray said, walking over to the hugging pair. He patted Frank's shoulder, making Gerard walk a few steps away without a glance an Frank look at Ray with interested eyes "Do you think Mikey and Gerard could talk for a moment?"

Frank's face lit up, he wiped the few tears away "That's a great idea"

Ray nodded, the left side of his lip quirking up. He turned to Mikey and signaled for him to go over to Gerard. Gerard was pacing slowly only a mere few feet away from them. Mikey didn't want to be attacking so he didn't jump over to him. He inhaled sharply and walked over.

Gerard's head shot up and his nervous eyes met his brother's "Hi"

Mikey gulped excitedly "Hi"

They now walked between graves, the silence comfortable for the first time in so many years. But Mikey was happy to even get a starter. He was happy he wasn't called a rat and shooed away. He couldn't fight away a smile, inhaling before speaking again.

"How are you?"

"M- Michael" Gerard stuttered out, stopping and turning his body to fully face his baby brother. His lip shook as he spoke "I'm not okay"

Mikey's mouth fell slightly agape sadly, but he was fast to keep on talking "What's wrong?"

"I- I-" a few tears began to pout out of Gerard's evil eyes "Michael, I feel sorry"

Mikey felt it was best to stay silent after that. Gerard didn't need somebody to tell him what he's done wrong. Gerard knew his wrongs. But Mikey listening was most important. Just listening. There was no helping Gerard. Maybe a hold? Maybe a hug is what Gerard would need right now?

Slowly and carefully, Mikey spread his arms, getting closer to his big brother. He bit his bottom lip.

Gerard stepped back "Don't"

"I'm sorry, I-" Mikey lowered his arms quickly, trying to apologize. But Gerard stopped him.

"No, Michael, don't apologize. Just don't touch me, pl-" he stopped himself before saying something he'll possibly regret. Lowering his gaze to his feet, he started walking again, knowing Mikey walked by him.

Gerard sighed "How's school?"

"Oh, uhm, school?" Mikey blinked "Yeah, school, school is great. I'm great at both my freshman and senior year"

Gerard let out a chuckle "You don't have to do that, you know?"

Mikey exhaled "But I want to. And, besides, Mom gives me five bucks for every A in homework you get"

Gerard laughed ever so softly, and Mikey laughed along. When the sounds of their laughs were no more, they walked silently and comfortably again. It was a great feeling, at least for Mikey. Something inside Gerard hated the feeling, he felt incredibly awkward; terrible. But his love for Frank was stronger, whether he liked that or not.

"I miss you" Mikey said quietly. He was afraid of the response he could get, but didn't get himself too tangled in assumptions.

"I know you do"

Mikey sighed shakily, not wanting to push things. But, that's why Frank was there behind them. Frank is good at ruining things, remember?

"Then why don't you do something about it?" the sound of Frank's voice made the Way brothers stop walking and turn around; Ray was already pinching the bridge of his nose "Why don't you change yourself and make Mikey stop missing you? Why don't you become the brother he wishes to have? Why don't you become a brother?"

Frank crossed his arms on his chest boldly. Mikey's jaw was slightly dropped, while his brother held a firm frown.

"That's none of your business, Frank" Gerard spat, growling.

Frank rose an eyebrow. Mikey mouthed pleads to Frank for him to stop pushing Gerard now that things are going so well.

"Mind explaining that 'business' to me?" Frank questioned and Mikey was on the verge of tears by now.

"Yes, I actually do mind" Gerard retorted, turning around and walking off.

"Gerard, wait!" Mikey called after him, but Gerard walked far too fast to be catchable. Soon enough, the three lost sight of him.

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