c h a p t e r t e n

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"It's working, Mikey" Frank informed, the first second Mikey entered the dark house.

Frank stood at the end of the hallway, arms crossed and lips risen into a smile. Mikey shut the door barely audibly. He blinked; that's what it took him to understand Frank's words.

"You've kissed him again?" Mikey smirked, taking small steps closer to his step-brother. He crossed his arms as well.

Frank shook his head, letting his arms fall and stuffing his hands into the back pockets of his denim jeans "No, we- we just confessed our feelings, I guess"

Mikey's mouth fell slightly agape "Gerard told you he loves you?"

"Not exactly like that, but yeah" Frank cleared his throat, shrugging lightly "His hair proceeded to change color"

Mikey jumped up victoriously and clapped his hands. He hugged Frank tightly, mumbling something into Frank's shoulder. Frank hugged him back. Frank laughed. Maybe he'll get out of this mess happily.

"Oh, Mikey, I didn't hear you come in"

"Oh, Mom" Mikey moved away from Frank, stuffing his hands into his pockets "Good morning"

Mrs Way smiled widely at the two boys "Anyone up for bagels and cheese?"

"Always" the boys answered in sync, already making their way to the dining room.

Frank sat on his now-usual seat and Mikey sat on his left. Mrs Way placed two plates of different sizes before them; the bigger plate filled with fresh bagels and the smaller with thin-cut cheese.

"Gerard, come down! Breakfast!"

Frank and Mikey stopped their hands from bringing food to their mouths. They both knew Mrs Way calls Gerard down every single morning. But he never comes down. Mrs Way frowned at the two calm boys, but still decided not to question them.

When she heard footsteps on the staircase, she gasped quietly and looked toward the hallway. Frank and Mikey turned backwards to look in the same direction.

On the doorway which separated the hallway from the dining room, stood her oldest. He didn't stand as graciously. He seemed rather normal. He even rose the left side of his mouth into a quick smile. He wore a black hoodie, with the hood on; trying his best to hide the blonde strands. Frank gave him a smile and Gerard blushed at it. Mrs Way covered her mouth with her hand at the sight of her son. A single tear streamed down her cheek.

Gerard didn't bother to say anything. He just sat down onto he chair at the end of the table. He didn't reach out for any food. He just sat there, examining his nails.

Mrs Way looked at Mikey and Frank who gave her the widest smiles.

"Would you like a glass of water, Gerard?" Mrs Way asked, her voice trembling.

Gerard looked up at her, shaking his head. His focus was soon returned to his hands.

Mrs Way placed her palm onto her chest as she walked back into the kitchen. On the way, she stopped to kiss Frank's and Mikey's heads.

"Hey, Mom?"

Everybody jumped a little, all eyes on Gerard. Mrs Way caught onto Mikey's chair for balance. Everybody was shocked; Frank didn't expect this much effect.

"Y- Yes, Gerard?" Mrs Way spoke slowly, not knowing what to expect.

Gerard blinked, as if he didn't understand the attention he was getting. He glanced at Frank before returning his gaze onto his mother "I was wondering if I could walk to school with Frank and Michael this morning?"

Mikey's jaw dropped without hesitation. Frank bit onto his bottom lip happily.

"Of course, Gerard!" Mrs Way exclaimed "Of course you can!"

Gerard nodded thankfully and focused on his nails once again. The following silence was more than comfortable.

Mrs Way mouthed a dragged 'what' to Frank and Mikey. Mikey winked while Frank only responded with a shrug. Mrs Way returned to the kitchen.

Frank and Mikey turned their gaze away from following Mrs Way's walk onto where Gerard sat. Only, Gerard wasn't there.

"Wha- Where did he go?" Mikey swung around himself "He was here a moment ago"

Frank chewed his bagel, shrugging. He was wondering the same thing.

Mikey got worried very fast. He picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, standing up and exiting the dining room. Frank was quick to thank Mrs Way for the breakfast and follow his step-brother.

Gerard stood nervously at the front door, looking up from his feet when he heard Mikey and Frank approaching him "We going?"

Mikey smiled with a nod "Just let Frank get his backpack, yeah?"

Gerard nodded softly, returning his gaze to his black sneakers. Frank was very fast to return with his backpack from upstairs. The three walked outside, realizing Gerard doesn't have a bike.

"Uh, do you want to-"

"I'll walk" Gerard glanced at Mikey. Mikey couldn't help but notice how much less scary his brother sounded and looked. It was enough to tickle his heart and make him the happiest person in the world.

Frank and Mikey rode their bikes slowly to help Gerard in catching up. Gerard walked faster until he suddenly stopped in place after the first turn.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked, stopping softly and hearing Mikey's bike's tires screeching.

Gerard opened his mouth hesitantly "What about Ray?"

Mikey grinned "Don't worry, Ray goes to school early"

Gerard nodded and proceeded to walk. He readjusted the backpack hanging off his right shoulder and cleared his throat. The two boys behind him exchanged euphoric looks and rode to catch up with Gerard.

Once in the school building, Gerard actually said 'bye' to the freshmen before walking off to his class. Oh, how Frank and Mikey awaited lunch to talk to Ray.

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