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"Shh, Frank, it'll be alright"

Mikey held Frank in a rather awkward embrace as Frank cried into Mikey's hoodie. It's been like this for God knows how long. Even Ray came over, just to sit in silence and watch Frank's pain. He wished he could do something to make Frank feel better, but there was nothing he could do.

"He killed Bob!" Frank whined, sitting up and wiping the tears off his face with his sweater paws.

"No matter how mad you are" Ray spoke calmly and slowly "Just don't confront him or something like that. You'll just make your life worse"

Frank lowered his body back into Mikey's hold and cried again. It wasn't for long though, he soon got a wish to speak through sobs again.

"And then his drunken, high ass turns around to throw up" Frank told, causing Mikey and Ray to cringe.

"What?" Frank asked.

"Frank" Mikey began, looking Frank deep into his eyes "Remember when I told you drugs and alcohol have no effect on Gerard?"

"Yeah?" Frank sobbed quietly, wondering where this was going.

"Gerard never throws up" Ray added, just to make things more understandable.

"Not like he never ever threw up" Mikey rolled his eyes "He once threw up real bad when Granny came over and well some other times"

Frank frowned in thought, replaying the events in his head "D- Did your grandma t-touch Gerard?"

"Yeah" Mikey cringed, along with Ray, but Ray seemed to see what Frank was aiming for "She hugged him"

"I- I gave him, like, a one-arm embrace" Frank said quietly.

Mikey started to laugh "You think he's allergic to human touch?"

"You can't really cross it out" Ray said, stopping Mikey's laughter.

"Oh" Mikey choked out.

"He threw up blood" Frank added, wiping the rest of his tears.

"Same with Granny, oh my God!" Mikey stood up, cupping his face and pacing around the room nervously.

There was nothing either of them could say. Mikey started to sob, but Ray and Frank knew better than calming him down. He had to cry it out.

Ray eventually left, walking Mikey home.

Frank waited for Gerard to come home, but he never came.


A week later, Frank saw Gerard again. It was a hot evening and Frank was sitting in his bed, preparing for sleep.

"H- Hi" Frank stuttered out, pulling his socks off and placing them under his pillow.

"'Evening" Gerard replied, sighing and approaching his own bed, taking a seat on it and starting to unbutton his shirt.

Frank cringed. Gerard usually slept in the clothes he wore in the day. He'd just pull himself under the covers, close his eyes and sleep. He wouldn't even take his shoes off.

"It's hot, Frank" Gerard explained, making Frank's eyes pop in thought of Gerard being able to read minds.

When Gerard stripped the shirt off, he was...in another shirt. It was probably the same shirt, but Frank couldn't hold back a laugh.

Gerard glanced at him, making no effect on Frank and just rolled his eyes, beginning to unbutton the other shirt.

Finally, Gerard's upper body was bare. Frank couldn't help but stare. Gerard's skin was completely white; white like snow. No matter how goddamn creepy, Gerard looked as beautiful as an angel in Frank's eyes.

Frank felt like a heart-eyed emoji.

"You're staring, brother" Gerard spoke monotonous.

Frank's jaw dropped without control. Gerard just kind of, well, brother-zoned him, but that was not the point. Gerard never called Mikey 'brother'. He'd call him a 'rat' or something like that. But never 'brother'.

Frank blinked, mumbling an apology for the rudeness of his stare and adverting his gaze to the black carpet on the floor.

"Y- You wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" Frank asked bluntly.

Gerard frowned his deepest "What did you just ask me Frank?"

Frank shrugged, not sure of what he said wrong "I thought that's what siblings do. They sleep in each other's bed from time to time"

"I've never heard of something like that" Gerard commented, starting to strip off his black trousers.

Frank shrugged again, fingers playing "I could be wrong"

Gerard sighed "Why not"

Frank's eyes popped so wide, they almost fell out of his head "R- Really?"

"I haven't had a brother in years" Gerard stood up, exposing his long, white legs; Frank couldn't help but adore the way those black boxer briefs complimented Gerard's fascinating ass "You I'm accepting of"

Frank's face lit up. That was basically the same thing as if Gerard had said 'I like you'.

Gerard paced his gracious pace to Frank's bed. His long, icy legs discovered themselves as muscular, surprising (and most honestly, turning on) Frank. Frank than started to notice the grey lines that formed Gerard's firm abs and his strong chest. His biceps flex tightly as Gerard stretches his arms behind his neck. Frank was certain he was drooling.

In a flash, Frank blinked and cleared his throat, moving over to the wall, to access space for Gerard to lie. Frank pulled the black sheets over his body and still left opened space for Gerard.

"Thank you" Gerard spoke politely. He rose the sheet in his hands and lied down; it looked like he was floating as he lied.

Frank noticed the safe distance Gerard kept between their bodies and Frank respected it.


Maybe he can move just a teeny bit closer.

Gerard turned to his left side (thus his back faced Frank) and opened his mouth to say 'good night' when Frank wrapped his right arm around Gerard's muscular and cold torso.

"What are you doing?" Gerard asked, his voice sounding rather shocked.

"Just cuddlin'" Frank explained; the strange courage suddenly returning "It's what siblings do"

"Don't touch me"

"C'mon Gerard, live a little"

"I'm warning you Frank"

"You said yourself, I'm your brother. There's nothing wrong with us cuddling"

"Yes, Mr Iero?"

Frank cringed at Gerard's last words.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Frank's teared up father.

"F-Frank" he stuttered out, swinging the phone in his hand "Y-Your grandmother passed away"

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