c h a p t e r t w e l v e

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Frank and Mikey sat in silence, writing an exam, when the screams echoed through the school and everybody's heads shot up.

'Gerard?' Frank mouthed to his step-brother questioningly. Mikey shrugged in response. The hallway started to sound crowded and thus the .class ran outside as well. Frank and Mikey stayed in their seats, looking at each other with confused frowns. The teacher groaned loudly and followed the teens outside the classroom.

"Should we go...?" Mikey slowly approached Frank's desk as Frank still had his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know" Frank started to stand up "Do you think it's him?"

Mikey shrugged again "I hope not"

Frank sighed and nodded toward the door. The two started pacing toward it right when their class began to retrieve to the classroom, along with the teacher.

"What happened?" Mikey asked boldly.

"Return to your exams, this is none of your business" the teacher was already making her way to her desk, gesturing for the pupils to get back in their seats.

Frank and Mikey obeyed with a semi-loud groan from Frank's mouth.

When the bell rang to indicate the end of the class, the step-brothers were first to exit the classroom. Frank whispered a curse, wishing they were excused earlier when they had already finished their exams before the rest of the class.

It was lunch time and the boys hurried to be the first there. Ray was faster, though.

"Do you know what happened?" Frank asked, getting straight to the point "Where is Gerard?"

"Hi, Ray" Mikey mumbled politely.

Ray nodded, both telling the boys to take a seat and that he does in fact know of the happenings "Gerard killed our Biology teacher and ran away"

Frank pulled his hair with a little too much strength, he sat down, letting his backpack fall to the floor. Mikey was a bit calmer to sit, but his mind was a mess.

"His hair-" Ray was cut off by Frank.

"Yeah, we know"

"How?" Ray still wondered, a little excited now. The rest of the school began to enter the cafeteria.

"Frank kissed Gee and then they told each other they love each other" Mikey said, his voice monotone and informative.

Frank gasped in disbelief of Mikey's words. He felt his cheeks heat up and buried his face into his hands, cursing Mikey's name. He knew Ray's jaw was probably dropped, he didn't want to have to face him.

"What?" Frank heard Ray ask.

Groaning, he rose his head and gave Ray a death glare. Fortunately, it was good enough to make Ray back off from the topic.

"He was doing so good" Mikey began to somewhat change the subject "Interacting. What made him kill your teacher?"

"It's not Gee's fault" Ray defended "The man was being a complete ass"

"What if they kick him out of the school?" Mikey started to panic, biting first his lip and then fingernails.

Ray began to tell the out everything he had witnessed and Mikey stared crying. Frank felt incredibly awful, even though he had done nothing wrong. Luckily, a thought crossed his mind. And he was fast to share it.

"Let's go" he eyed both Ray and Mikey, who quieted down at the sound of his voice; Mikey wiped his tears away "Let's look for him"

"Erm" Mikey rose an eyebrow, coughing "We still have five more classes?"

"We'll skip" Frank shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ray started to chuckle, nodding to let Frank know he agrees with the idea.

"But Chemistry-"

"Oh, Mikey, don't be a killjoy" Frank scolded his step-brother. He decided it was the right moment to stand up, hanging his backpack on his left shoulder. Ray followed the action, rounding the table and standing behind Frank.

Mikey soon sighed, standing up and getting pats on the back from both of his friends. He nodded, hoping he won't regret this decision. He'll really, really miss Chemistry.

"Can we at least eat something first?" Mikey whined, pointing at the many food that had been ignored by the three due to the need to talk when they entered the cafeteria earlier.

"Sure" Ray replied, glancing at Frank. Frank groaned quietly, but didn't complain. An apple won't do him harm.

They each took an apple, deciding to eat while walking.

They knew just leaving wasn't an option. They were gonna hide in the toilets until class starts, wait for the skip-patrol to pass. Then, they'll just exit the school. The school's skip-patrol was lousy anyways.

And that plan was zero worry. They were running out of school in no-time. They'll get in trouble, seen or not, but they cared more about finding Gerard at the moment.

"Where do we look?" Frank asked when they took the last turn to distance themselves from the school.

"This was your idea, Frank!" Mikey exclaimed, wanting to just give up and return to school.

"You're his brother" Frank poorly defended, spreading his arms innocently "I don't know where he goes"

Mikey groaned, mumbling something to himself, while Ray sighed with a chuckle.

"Abandoned houses?" Frank suggested, earning a snort from his annoyed step-brother.

"Do you know how many abandoned houses this town holds?" Mikey spoke "It's like a graveyard for houses"

Ray rose a finger "Exactly! The cemetery! We could look there"

Frank nodded with a semi-smile and waved for them to start walking. Mikey didn't make any sign or sound of disagreement and walked along with his friends.

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