e p i l o g u e

502 38 36

Trigger warning: blood

Frank slept peacefully, ever so calm. His hand was wrapped around Gerard's bare body. Gerard, on the other hand, was completely awake. He sighed, shifting his way out of the bed. The pain in his ass was very much bearable, but the burning in his throat felt worse than death would. And along with his throat, his head went through a weird stage; it felt like his brain was melting and burning his body like acid.

He looked at Frank as he stood up, making sure the younger boy was asleep. He pulled his black boxers on, trying his best to keep his mouth shut. He wanted to put ok more clothes, fearing the possibility of running into his mother or her new husband. But he couldn't hold it in him much longer. So he just ran out of the room and straight into the bathroom, wearing only his boxers; beautiful, white, masculine body exposed.

He started to throw up into the toilet, getting so much blood into the toilet. He vomited for probably half an hour, non stop. He was careful not to make a mess and pretty successful at doing so. He'd flush the toilet a few times, but he'd find himself throwing up in it again and again.

Suddenly, he fell asleep over the toilet, all the vomiting making him weak. He breathed calmly as he slept. His greasy, black hair covered his face and he breathed into it like a spring breeze would move soft leaves.

And he slept there, for perhaps two hours; maybe somewhat less. When he woke up, he kept his eyes closed after his first blink. He moved his hair out of his face and stood up. He groaned, stretching out and opening his eyes to find his way to the sink. He turned the water on and washed his face. Rising his head up, he met the mirror.

A grin spread on his face when he saw himself. He even let out a subconscious gasp. He stared at himself for a while, touching his face and hair. Still smiling, he bit his bottom lip. He made sure to flush the toilet before returning to bed.

He lied beside Frank, not waking the short boy up.


Frank didn't even have to be woken up by an alarm, he got so used to waking up early for school. He blinked a few times, to lose all sleepiness. He turned to his left, excited to see Gerard. Last night made him so happy, he at least wanted to look at who made it all so pretty for a while.

But when he looked left, he screamed and jumped out of bed; unintentionally, so you can say he fell out of bed. Panting and shaking, he put his arm on the bed for support and tried getting up again.


"What happened to you?!" Frank was confused and that was only an understatement. He stared at Gerard wide-eyed, his eyes begging for answers.

"You fixed me" Gerard answered with a chuckle, tucking a strand of long, bleach blonde hair behind his ear.

Frank's jaw dropped, as he began to recognize the young boy from pictures Mikey had showed him. But he was a teenager now. And he was so beautiful.

Gerard's hair didn't change in length, but its color shone bright; almost white but with a hint of blonde sunlight in it. His skin was no longer white, it even had some teeny tan to it. His lips were rosy, his smile was welcoming and soft. His eyes weren't black anymore. They were a soothing green; emerald even if you looked into them for a longer and more focused period of time.

Frank couldn't fight the urge to smile his widest. He stood up, basically cheering, holding his palms pressed to his head as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

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