Chapter 32 - This Is My Final Fight

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The two stood in front of me not knowing the power of my eyes.  "Aidoruai!*" I called out.  My eyes flashed red and gray and then they faded back to not be shining brightly.  I stood watching and there every moves.  "Well are you coming?" I asked.  They moved their feet slightly and then one charged at me.  I moved to the right and threw my kunai at his shoulder hitting it.  He stumbled a bit before jumping back to his partner.  He pulled out the kunai with his left arm, wincing as he did so.  I shifted slightly.  My eyes were catching every little movement they made and from that I could predict their moves.  They both moved, one to the right and the other to the left.  "Second stage : Heightened Hearing" I mumbled again the stage.  I moved out of the way as one tried to stab me.  "Hidden Mist Technique" the one on my left said.  He was shorter and had long orange hair to his mid back.  The other in front of me had short messy black hair and was taller than myself. 

I looked around through the mist seeing their body forms through the mist.  I charged and the one that didn't cast the jutsu.  I came up behind him and stabbed him through the heart before he could move.  He let out an ear piercing scream.  "Joyce!" His partner called. out.  "Kangi..." Joyce tried to call out, but came out as a barley audible mumble.  I dropped his body and stood looking towards the man known as Kangi.  The mist fell and he starred at Joyce's body in horror.  He then looked at me with eyes filled with rage.  "You- You killed him!" He screamed in rage. "Burst into flames" I said and looked at him, activating the power of my eyes. He screamed as he tried put out the flames. "You can't put out these flames, they are like the Amaterasu flames, they are unstoppable" I said. He continued to roll around, screaming in agony. He slowly then turned to ash. I breathed heavily as rested on the found with one knee up and the other knee down.  "Aw... those guys weren't any help at all" a voice said from behind.  I jumped close to the kids and turned to face this new enemy. 

A masked man stood there. He wore a swirled orange mask and a black cloak with red clouds. He attacked and I stopped his attack, knowing that if I dodged he would go for the kids. We began to clash, though most of the time my attacks went right through him. This continued many times before he finally stabbed me through the stomach. He twisted the kunai and pulled it out. I could hear the faint screams behind me, but the man was still in front of me. I coughed and blood fell from my mouth.  I fell to my knees and watched as the man before  me disappeared in a swirl. I soon saw the blurred image of Kakashi before me. He then did the most unexpected thing ever. He pulled me in and kissed me. I was in shock for a moment, but then kissed back. I pulled back after a second though to cough up more blood. 

I knew I wouldn't live, so I did the only thing I could do with the last bit of time I had left. 

"New Memories." I said. 

I erased all of their memories of me and replaced them making it seem like I had never been there. That is everyone that ever met me. Some would probably eventually remember me, but most would never even have a clue that I had existed. Kakashi and all the children fell to the ground. 

"This is the last time I'll ever see you huh?" I pulled myself closer to Kakashi. I gave him on final  kiss before my body disappeared into dust in the air. 

*idle eye - The name of the dojutsu that she and few others have

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