Being Friends again

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As we were competitively weaving our beds together,I say something odd "Hey why don't we sleep close for warmth" and she said something unbelievable "DUH it's only scientific we sleep near each other!!!" I don't really remember what happened that night cause my head was still hurting I remember she saw my head was bleeding a little so she wrapped it up. Anyways we have been in this cave for a week and I'm starting to run out of Food Bars and Pepsi. So I ask Quinn if we can go and find a town or something. I grab my backpack I came down here with and she grabs her sweatshirt. While we walk we see strange things "This place is very odd it's very vivid" says Quinn and then she asked me a strange question "Hey Tyler why did we break up in the first place?" And I just couldn't handle the question I burst into anger "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU,ITS BECAUSE YOU DUMPED ME FOR MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!" She said stumbling "Oh yeah I forgot this place is making me forget things in my life" We walked in silence until we reached a village of HOT GIRLS sorry if that sounds piggish but it's true!!! So as we walk I can't help myself but GIRLS IN BIKINIS IN A FREAKING POOL THAT IS MY DREAM!!! Anyways I don't know how this will go.

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