Going Back to Fantasy Forest

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Well everything's going great until Melissa and James wanted to go back.
"But don't you guys wanna be in a place where it feels like time stops and nothing matters other than you two."
We all look at Melissa and say okay we drink the potion. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" We land back in our comfy cave. "Ouch that hurts a little less what the heck?" We look outside to see the world looking so happy before it looked a little sad. James takes Melissa's hand "I guess its because of this beautiful girl." He kisses her on the top of the head and she looks down at her bag "Oh I put some sugar in the solution oops." Quinn pulls me aside as I'm watching James snuggling Melissa. "They really like each other like a lot." "Duh that's why as her guy cousin I need to pay attention to them." She hits me in the chest "Ow what was that for?" "Because your over protective of her I know your her favorite cousin and your a guy which makes you have a protective nature." "But but but but." "But nothing." We all go over to the couch and watch Tv there's breaking news "Breaking News a mass killer is on the loose lock your doors board up your window because this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill." Melissa grips onto James's arm and she puts her head on his arm. We turn off the tv and the girls ask us to check around the cave. "Dude are you a little scared?" James doesn't look at me he's paying attention to his flashlight and the cave. "No I have to be strong for Melissa she's in a tough spot right now." I crouch down on my knees and attempt to move a big rock "Really she hasn't really seemed that sad to me and could you help me move this rock?" He comes over and we move the rock together "Yeah me and her talk a lot sometimes we don't go to sleep." We move the rock and pick up some worms to freak the girls out. "You guys really like each other huh?" We keep walking around until we hit the end of the cave "Yeah we do." We walk back to where the girls are . "Hey guys what did you guys find?" We pull out the worms "Ewwwww throw them out the window!" We throw them out the window and then we get ready for bed "Uh there's only two mattress's." Melissa and James both blush and say "We can share a mattress." I step up but Quinn pushes me back and whispers to me "Let them sleep on the same mattress." "But I can't see them." "That's the point if we can sleep in the same bed as a couple they can too." James and Melissa trudge to the other mattress. I could hear them talking for awhile. Once they laid in bed there was a space in between them it was silent until "James I'm cold." "What do you need so more cover?" "No we have enough cover there's just a lot of space between us." James slides closer until he feels her cold body "Woah you really are cold you have goosebumps." "Nah its fine really." He slides closer and puts his arms around her "It'll be okay baby." She starts to cry. "I don't understand why I was put in the middle of this I don't know why my mom had to do this to my life so now I don't know how to be a good girlfriend to you I don't know what to feel James." She looks at him and he looks at her "Baby you are a good girlfriend I just don't know if I'm being a good boyfriend I do know my feelings I love you and I hope you love me too what your mom is isn't your fault." Their bodies grow closer together and their lips grow closer until they touch. And they kiss and it warms her body up. "You feel warmer now maybe I should slide back over a bit." "I don't want you to I want you here." "Sorry if it bothers you that I'm not wearing a shirt." She blushes "No its fine I actually think it feels nice." "Also sorry if it bothers you that I'm only wearing my boxers I know it feels weird to you since its our first time sleeping in the same bed." "James." "Yeah." "You just made this super awkward." "Sorry I kinda have the tendency to do that." There's a silence for awhile until at Midnight. "Melissa you still up?" "Yeah why?" "Did Micheal ever say he was sorry about what he did?" She looks at him "Yeah he did actually I never told you though I'm sorry." "Hey its okay I know you've been going through stuff right now." "Also Melissa your hand it sorta gripping my yeah." Melissa blushes and moves her hand. "I'm sorry I thought it was your leg." They both laugh. "James you know you've been touching my butt this whole time." He looks down and blushes "Oh sorry." They lay there and talk for awhile about Youtube videos. And then they start kissing for awhile I caught them kissing when I was getting a snack. "They have the cover over each other I can't see anything. I pull off the cover to see James and Melissa making out. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING ON TOP OF HIM!" They quickly pull off each other. "Hey Tyler." "WHY IS YOUR SHIRTS OFF!!" "You know I sleep with my bra on." "And you know I sleep without a shirt on." "BUT YOU TWO ARE IN THE SAME BED AHHHHHHHHHH!!" "Tyler relax I know your my cousin but geez its not that serious we were just kissing."  "That better be it." They lay there "Thanks James for cheering me up." "Your welcome I just want you to be happy you are happy right?" "YES I mean yes you are making me very happy." "That's good." "Can you get closer I'm cold again?" "Sure can I kiss your neck it felt nice the one time I did it on acciedent?" "Sure." After that was over they kissed goodnight and cuddled and went to sleep.

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