He's Back

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Well the month I spent with Melissa and her dad obviously wasn't enough for them so now they are staying on their second honeymoon for the whole summer so its now July but I'm learning a lot about my uncle. Suddenly one day *Knock* *Knock* Melissa opens the door "Hello OH!!" She jumps up and down and says "ITS JAMES HES BACK JAMES HES BACK" Before anyone else could say hi they start making out in the doorway. When they pull apart Melissa's dad is standing behind them and James screams "GAH Sorry sir if that was a little awkward" And her dad had his arms crossed "No it wasn't awkward I was just waiting for you to come in so I can go out the door to go to work" "Sorry dad" She grabs James's hand they walk inside and sit next to me on the couch. "Hey James how was your trip?" "It was okay I'm just waaaay tanner than when I left" We all laugh and Melissa tells James "I wanna show you something I made for you for when you come back" He follows her upstairs to her room I eavesdrop from my room because I went in there to get some glue because I enjoy arts and crafts even though I keep a secret from most people because I haven't heard of a guy who likes arts and crafts so I don't feel like telling most people. "So what do you have for me" He sits on her bed and she goes to her bedside table and takes out two bracelets. "These are two bracelets for us I had Tyler make them because you know he likes arts and crafts so we can share something together" She also pulls out a picture frame of pictures. "Its me and you with a caption on it" "Together Forever babe I love it all here let me put your bracelet on you" He puts the bracelet on her and She puts the bracelet on him and then she closes the door and locks it "You wanna pick up were we left off?" He looks at her "YES I mean yeah I'm not gonna lie I've been waiting all month to see you" "I've been waiting to see you too I missed you everyday" "I missed you too" She sits on her bed and he pulls her in close and kisses her and they kiss for awhile until I knock on the door and James went and unlocked the door and opened it. "Yo what you want?" "James why don't you have a shirt on and why are you sweating?" "I was getting hot and kissing takes your oxygen away yeah sure" "Actually I needed to talk to Melissa" I said as I arched my eyebrow angrily. He closes the door and turns around to Melissa Who is under the cover with only her head exposed. "WHAT DO I SAY?" "Say I fell asleep just in case he comes and checks on me HIDE THE SHIRTS AND THE PANTS YOUR LUCKY HE THOUGHT YOU WERE WEARING PANTS NOT JUST BOXERS!" "Well my boxers are long I need to hide my big package!" She looks down at him and smiles "It is pretty big BUT HIDE THE CLOTHES!" He shoves the clothes in her dresser and opens the door "Sorry Melissa's just sleeping" "Okay I guess I'll come back later then I just wanted to tell you her dad won't be home until tomorrow afternoon that's what I was gonna tell Melissa tell her when she wakes up thanks" "No problem bye" He waves and closes the door as I walk away and gets back on the bed with Melissa. "I hope Tyler doesn't suspect we are doing anything bad we are just kissing" James looks at her "I missed you a lot too" They start kissing again until they get tired and go to bed. The next morning "James move I need to go to the bathroom" "Huh sorry babe" He gets up tiredly and walks downstairs and starts making coffee and I'm downstairs on the couch. "So what happened last night?" He looked at me and his face turned completely red and when he talked his voice started cracking "We just talked!" and he made his coffee and made his way to the other side of the couch and me and him just watched tv in silence until Melissa woke up. "Hey guys what you watching?" She walks downstairs and plops down on the couch next to James. He puts his arm around her "Nothing much just Sports Center" We keep watching until her dad comes through the door looking tired. "Hey kiddo" He walks by the couch and pats Melissa's head "Sorry I had to work late I do that sometimes when a deadline is getting close" "Hey James it's almost time for you to go i'll drive you back come on" Her dad walks tiredly back to the door opens it and walks out and sits in the car. James gets off the couch and grabs his stuff from upstairs and kisses Melissa goodbye "I'll see you soon baby girl I I love you" He said stuttering a bit and she says "I love you too I hope I see you soon" and he steps over to me and gives me a handshake "Later dude I can't wait to beat you in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare again" And I laughed "It's only because I was tired" and he laughed and said "Suuuuuuure it is" And then he gave us one last look and waved and he walked out the door and got in the car with Melissa's tired dad.

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