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We run to the old train station and as soon as we get on the train Melissa wakes up next to James. "What happened all I remember is seeing my mom and then I.." Before she could finish speaking James passionately kisses her "I'm just glad your okay." She looks at him and her eyes get watery "You really care about me." "Yes I do I really do do you care about me?" "Yes I do I care about you." He takes her hand and kisses her knuckles. "I love you baby girl." "You just called me baby girl." Her eyes sparkle with tears "James I love you so much." She gives him a hug and he hands her a box with a ribbon on it "I know its a kinda early birthday gift but I wanna give it to you now since I'm going somewhere with my parents next week that's why I wanna spend this time with you." The train stops at a hospital and as soon as we stopped a window three seats behind James and Melissa breaks and Melissa's mom comes in. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" We all jump out of our seats and run off the train and we bolt toward the hospital. "Hello we need some help uh my girlfriend needs her tonsils out." They take Melissa back on a bed with James who won't let go of her bed. "NO!" "JAMES LET GO!!" Melissa grabs James's collar of his shirt and kisses him passionately and then letting go very fast leaving him in awe making him let go of her bed. After an hour of waiting she finally let go. "Hey guys." James grasping her hand "Hey baby." "James your hurting my hand." He lets go of her hand "Sorry I'm just a little nervous your mom could be anywhere." And then Quinn comes up with an idea "How about James stays here with Melissa and me and Tyler can go back home." Everyone agrees I guess I'll give this to James to talk about his night defending Melissa. Okay so once Tyler and Quinn left for the night Melissa told me to jump in the hospital bed next to her. "That seems sorta dangerous I don't wanna plug anything out on accident." Her eyes grow watery "But I need you James please." So I carefully get in the bed with her making sure not to knock anything over just as I get comfy the nurse comes in she looked so disfigured she had hoofs and a pig nose, I believe there was a mutation plant around at least that's what the map said. "James?" "Yeah?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah why do you ask cause you seemed rather spaced out." "Sorry its just I'm just thinking about me and my parents trip." "Where you going anyways?" "I'm going to Hawaii."Lucky why cant you take me with you?" "I wish I could but summer vacation is next week and my parents won't be around so its sorta a bonding experience I also want them to know we are dating." "Really that would be great!" As soon as she eats dinner we hear a siren. "What was that baby?" "I don't know." I jump out the bed and quickly close the door. I get closer to her to reassure her and I kiss her on the forehead. "I just wanna let you know I love you and I'm not gonna let anything happen." A sudden force pushes opens the door and Melissa's mom comes in "MY DAUGHTER!" she tries to grab Melissa but I jump in front of her "YOU'LL HAVE TO GET THROUGH ME I LOVE HER!!!" And her mom moved her hand and I fell into the chairs "AHHHHHHH" *Crash* I was still in a daze but I could see her mom get closer to her "My child now I can be free." And light flashes and then suddenly she's gonna I walk over to Melissa my head still spinning. "I don't know she touched me and disappeared." "Your safe which makes me happy." "Can you give me some cuddling I'm still a little scared." I walk back up and carefully get back in the hospital bed and I wrap my arms around her and we sit there for awhile just talk about my family trip. Then we went to bed until midnight. I was on my phone on social media checking out celebrity drama and last minute school drama. "Hey James you up?" I put my phone away "Yeah why what do you wanna talk about?" "About you going off for three weeks." "Okay is it gonna be about how we aren't gonna be able to cuddle or be able to kiss for three weeks." "Yeah I'm gonna miss you can we have a whole day together by ourselves at my new house because I need someone to walk around with me and it would be nice to have a nice strong man with me especially my boyfriend." She kisses me on the chest. "I guess you like my abs." "I could eat frosting off of them." "So what do you say about the day together?" "Yes a definite yes." So we talk about the details and I wait till she goes back to sleep to go back to sleep. I guess I'll give it back to Tyler now.     

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