Running Away!!

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In my head I was like yes and I said yes but I'm a little scared."Okay I guess but how?" "I have a map of the city I have my dad's place circled I want you guys to take me to live with him. "Wait does that mean your gonna move schools?" "No I'll just be a little far away okay." "Your dad at least know your going to live with him?" "Yeah I called him yesterday before I came over here." "Look Tyler I have four train tickets." "Wait four?" "Yep me you Quinn and James!" "I'll tell my parents they are pretty understanding." "Okay." I told my parents everything and all they said was "I guess if she's not happy then she can go yes you guys can go." So me and Melissa set off to James's house cause it was close. *Knock* *Knock* "Who is it oh hey guys its like 9:00 its too early to hang out." I looked at him "But it is the time to help Melissa escape her mom." "Hey James you you don't sleep with a shirt one." I cover Melissa's eyes "So can you come." He thought for a bit "Sure let me get my duffel bag I always have a random bag full of stuff I got snacks and clothes in here and drinks and games and stuff." He runs off in his house to get his duffel bag and put on a shirt. "Alright you guys ready." "Yeah but I need to go to Quinn's house to pick her up she's up I texted her while you were getting ready." We walk over to Quinn's house and she gets on board and we start walking towards the train station. "Okay guys my dad lives at 90 minutes away but on a train that's like two hours." James walks up to Melissa "You are still gonna go to our school right because I would miss you if you did leave?" Melissa focused on her map and blushing "Yeah I am I'm just gonna be further away the school we go to takes admission fees so my dad's gonna drive me." James looks down at his feet and blushes "cool cool" Once the train arrives the seats are me and Quinn next to each other and James and Melissa. At one point James asked Melissa if she was alright about the break up. Me and Quinn were listening to them the whole time "Hey Melissa you okay?" "Yeah why?" "Because your boyfriend cheated on you." As he got a little closer to her "Actually no I'm not okay I hope seeing my dad will fill me with childhood joy."She started tearing up "What did I do wrong!" He wrapped his arm around her "Hey you didn't do anything wrong it's his fault to let you go in a hurtful way or to let you go at all." "Really?" "Really I would do anything to be your boyfriend." "Really then why don't you ask me." "Okay will you go out with me?" "Yes." When she says yes she automatically kisses him passionately just as we pull up at the train station. "Well looks like we are here YOU GUYS CAN STOP TONGUE  WRESTLING NOW!" 

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