My Past

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As I wake up I feel a sudden pain come over me I just had to scream. "AHHHHHHHH!" When I finish screaming my lungs out I get up and grab some pain killers out of my backpack I always have some just in case I need them. I guess I've always been cautious like that. The pain killers worked so I got my backpack and got up and got ready for the day when I saw Quinn face down a part of me wanted to make sure she was alright the other side of me was like NO she killed someone!! But the nice guy side of me won so I shook her and she woke up and she asked me what happened this week and I told her and she didn't remember any of it. "Tyler can you promise me something?" "Anything Quinn." "Okay can you stay here with me until I get better please Baby boo." And she grabbed my hand into hers and her eyes were sparkling from the tears in her eyes but I had to say what I meant. "Quinn what you did will never be forgiven I will never be your baby boo again it just isn't right because for some reason you didn't think I was right for you." As I start to tear up she tells me something I never knew "Sailor and I only happened because you were so consumed with other things and you stopped pay attention to me I didn't want it to happen like that but I found out Sailor really liked me and one thing lead to another and I started cheating on you but I don't want that to happen again please Tyler." Her eyes tearing up I ask "How come you had to mess around with my best friend why him he's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and if I wasn't paying attention to you you should have talked to me that's what a couple is about." She starts crying and tells me "Tyler I never meant to hurt......" And then she passed out on my lap "NO Quinn it can't end like this I have to save you.

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