Me and her

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After Quinn passed out I grabbed my backpack and grabbed her and ran until I found a hospital. While I sit by her hospital bed I start crying and started thinking "I was the boyfriend ever she cheated on me to get my attention when she comes to I need to do something." An hour later she wakes up "QUINN what happened you passed out on me when you and I were talking?" she looked confused but eventually remembered and said "I'm sorry for what I did I didn't mean to hurt you." I look to her and remember her kissing another guy in front of me and ask her "How did you bounce back so fast after we broke up?" "I still loved you Tyler I wanted another Tyler it wasn't the same though I pretended to like him but all I kept seeing was you every time I kissed him." And then she began to cry again and then she asked me what the nurse said about her. "Quinn the doctor came in and took a look at you and said you just hit your head really bad on something while you were out that's why you start forgetting stuff but he said you'll be good he gave you some medicine in your IV bag." She was still crying but I saw relief in her face when I told her that and she told me "I'm seriously sorry I acted like a jerk I'm really.. As she's about to say sorry again I got up from my chair and stood right by her and told her "It's okay I'm just glad your okay." And I give her a long passionate kiss. And when I pull away from her I see her eyes sparkling from tears and I wipe the tears out of her face. "Does that mean you love me again?" "I never stopped loving you Quinn." And I sit back in my chair near her bed and I realize the nurse was standing in the doorway the whole time. "Excuse me Ma'am how much of that did you see?" The nurse said Happily "I saw all of it Ahhhh young love brings me back anyway Ms.Lokey your dinner." "Well I'm gonna go get something to eat from the cafeteria if this place has one this hospital is so confusing." As I get up from my chair she grabs my arm "Don't leave me here by myself over night please" I look at her "Don't worry babe I won't leave you here by yourself."

As I pick up my stuff I find some decent food in the cafeteria and go back to Quinn's room and I must have taken awhile cause when I got back Quinn finished her food and her medicine and was sound asleep I kiss her goodnight and combine chairs to make myself a somewhat comfy and ask the nurse for a blanket and go to bed.

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