New start??????!?!!?!

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"Wait you mean Canada as in the place like above the United States?" "Yes it'll keep you all safe don't worry your parents know where you guys are going" I sit there and I keep thinking about Quinn who has no idea this is even happening. "What about Quinn where's she going to go?" "She'll be on the same plane as us another officer is grabbing her and bringing her to the airport but first she has to pack" "Knowing Quinn she'll pack ninety five bags full of makeup" I wait some more when they finally come out. "Goodness took you long enough" "I need to sit in the front to because I'm an adult and just in case the air bags pop out you kids won't get hurt" So Uncle Tony tells me to sit in the back and he sits in the passengers spot and I sit next to James and Melissa. "Here's your backpack" James hands me my backpack. "Thanks but please don't tell me this is the only thing you packed for me" "No we have full suitcase of clothes and stuff for you the stuff in your backpack is just stuff you can use on the go" then the officer tells all them what he told me and then he starts driving to the airport. In my head I was freaking out yet no one else was. WHAT IS GOING ON I let my thoughts linger until Quinn grabbed my hand and asked me If I was okay. "What no I'm fine why you ask?" "You just seemed spaced out I was just wondering" "Oh Okay" Even though she never let go of my hand until it was time to get out of the car. "Well everyone this will be the last time we'll see you here in America"

Thanks for reading my story I may wright a second story........ 

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