Trouble in the real world

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Well we are back home its alright we've been back for two weeks. Melissa's pretty happy with  her boyfriend until....

I was on the phone with Quinn when *Knock Knock* TYLER YOUR MOM SAID YOU WOULD BE UP HERE COME ON I KNOW YOUR DOING YOUR FAKE DEEP VOICE CAUSE YOUR VOICE IS SQUEAKY!! I open the door to see Melissa crying. "Melissa what happened?" She doesn't answer me she just rushes in for a hug and I give her one. She sits on my bed and tells me she caught Micheal cheating on her and disrespecting her. "Well he accidentally texted me Hey Jennifer I enjoyed last night can we do it again?" In my mind I wanted to break down this little turds door with a baseball bat and jack up his face but I let her finish. "Then I texted him a*****e and he said hey babe it was a joke I still like you.""And then he texted me hey I just convinced Melissa I wasn't cheating for a smart girl she sure is dumb Lol and then I cussed him out and broke up with him I just wish he wasn't such a butt he's not very nice yet I fell for him." I automatically went into big brother mode even though she's my cousin I never had a sibling and neither did she so shes like my little sister and I have to defend her and she's always lived next door to me and gone to my school. "Where does he live?!" "1201 Applegrove RD." "I'll be back." "Okay have fun make sure u beat below so he can't have stinky little kids!" "OKAY!" I run all the way to his house and knock on the door "Yo OH CRAP!!" I look at him cause he knew who I was and I stepped inside and before he could make up a lame excuse I hit him three times then left him with bruises on his arm and his lips puffy. "There done I feel better." "Tyler can I stay here my parents are mad at ME cause they think I MESSED UP MY FUTURE WITH HIM!" "Yeah you can where you wanna sleep?""I guess the floor ." "If you really want to." "Thanks big bro." "Wait you called me big bro why?" "Because I know you think of yourself as my big brother that's why you beat Micheal up also because you love me." "Thanks little sis I do love you." "We can only call each other brother and sister when we are by ourselves okay." "Yes." My mom and dad didn't mind her sleeping over after all she is family so why not. The next morning. *Knock *Knock* "I'm coming!!" I roll over almost forgetting Melissa was laying on the ground near my bed "Can't wake her up its Saturday no one wakes up this early that I know. I go downstairs and Open the door to find my Aunt Chloe standing at the door looking angry."Heyyyyy Aunt Chloe!" She looked very mad and she kept looking at her watch."Hey Tyler kiddo where's Melissa?" I had to come up with an excuse and fast "Uh she's at her boyfriends house they are making up" I wink and she starts to smile "It is nice to know my daughter is not a complete idiot that boy will be her future who cares if he cheated he will be forgiven that boy has a future unlike my dumb no future daughter." I couldn't stand there letting my aunt talk about her daughter that way. "Hey! That's your daughter why do you always have to put her down she's smart she was reading SHAKESPEARE IN KINDERGARTEN she can speak many different languages she's smart she has a future and give her so grief IT IS BAD HER BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON HER AND DISRESPECTED HER this is why no one likes you!" After I said that before she could say anything else I slammed the door in her face. When I turn around I see Melissa crying and she starts running toward me and gives me a hug "You said all that about me!" and I started smiling "Because its true all of it she had no right your own mom." "Thanks""I have a question Tyler." "Okay tell me." "Can we run away?" 

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