Helping Melissa

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After James left for Hawaii my parents and I went to visit Melissa and her dad. *Knock* *Knock* "COME IN" We walk inside and see Melissa playing with her dog. "Hey Melissa." "Hey Auntie and Uncle hey Tyler" And I see my uncle Tony and everyone hugs and while the adults started talking about adult things I went upstairs to Melissa's room with Sparky the dog. "So Melissa you okay?" "Yeah why do you ask?" "Because you haven't seemed so happy since James left" Sparky jumps on the end of Melissa's bed and I get on the bed and pet him as I'm talking "I hope your not to sad" "I'm not I miss him a lot and I know he misses me but I'm doing okay me and him are making it work we text all the time we text at night we text in the morning we send pictures of the stuff we do." "Wow you guys really like each other how come I didn't know this before I mean you guys have known each other since like kindergarten maybe 1st grade how come I didn't know?" "Because I didn't like him then that was before he hit puberty" "So when he was like 14 you started liking him?" "No " "When did you like him then?" "The day he sounded like he cared about me and really liked me so I liked him back because I realized I can't let him go away I didn't wanna dump him away I always think to myself what if I never said anything after what he said what if I never kissed him" A tear started falling "So in a way you've always cared about him " "There's no other guys like him he's really special he's someone I never thought I'd have " Sparky walks on her bed and jumps in Melissa's lap. "I just I don't know when Micheal cheated on me I sorta didn't know what to think I was always taught about Prince Charming that love at first sight I thought Micheal was the one but I was obviously wrong" After she says that sentence we both get a message across our phones from Instagram we both open it. It was James he posted something "I like Hawaii but I love and miss my baby and nothing can replace her" there was a whole collage of picture of Melissa. There was one with her sipping a milkshake,one of her just smiling,one of her with her tongue out,one of her just sleeping there were tons more and it got a bunch of likes. And then Melissa gets a text from James "Did you see what I posted I really mean it?" She responds with a tear in her eye "Yes I saw it you are the sweetest kindest boyfriend ever your so loyal I love you so much I just wanna let you know that" He responds with "With a girl like you its not so hard to show you how much I love you :D" She laughs and responds quickly because we had to eat dinner. "Alright I gotta eat Tyler's fam is here well my family but love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3" And she places her phone on her bed and Sparky runs downstairs when he heard them say FOOD!!!!!!!!!! We ate dinner and it was pretty good then me and Melissa went back to her room to talk."So your not sad?" "NO" "I'm sorry I just heard you crying and I wanted to ask" "You heard that I WAS IN THE BATHROOM!!" "Yeah I just wanted to make sure you were okay I'll go back to my room now" As soon as I get up off the bed "Wait I really am sad I wanna talk about it" I walk back "Okay its okay lets talk about it why are you so sad?" "Because James left James is every guy I've ever wanted he's sweet he's kind he's silly he likes all the things I like he has some nice muscles and nothings too awkward with him he didn't even give up on me when you threatened him when my dad threatened him so yeah I'm sad I love him" "Melissa you'll see him again but until then try to contain yourself okay also I'm gonna be staying here for awhile while my parents go off on a second honeymoon for a month of the summer so yeah" Sparky comes in her room and starts barking at the mirror. "Has he ever seen a mirror?" She laughs "Yeah he does this every time he walks past the mirror" And she walks over and picks him up "Its okay boy their's no other dog in here" She takes him to his little room where he plays with his chew toy and curls up in his little bed. "Sorry I hope you get used to him over the month when are you gonna come back to stay for the month?" "I packed my bags my parents are gonna pick them up from the house and then I should be set to go" "That's cool you know where your room is right?" "Yeah Night" "Night" As I walk to the room I stay at I open the door and plop on the bed I asked for them to customize the bed sheets and stuff to the way I would like it I like a lot. There was a nice little desk for me to place my laptop on and a nice little seat at the window. It looks nice it really does I'm glad I asked Uncle Tony I knew he could do it after all he is a contractor. Well I better head to bed I looks comfy there's even a backpack holder.

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