Whose the killer

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We all wake up and eat some breakfast and I notice James and Melissa couldn't take their eyes off each other. We turn on the news "We have an image of the killer." They show a picture of Melissa's mom. "Oh my gosh that's." "No way THAT'S MY MOM!!!" "NOOOOOOOOO" We turn off the tv in horror. Melissa runs to her room James goes after her. "Baby what's wrong?" "My mom is a killer what the heck?" She starts crying and James rushes over "Its okay if you need someone to talk to I'm here." He kisses her on the top of the head. "Whatever you need I'll give it to you." "Really?" "Really I love you I'll do anything for you." "I love you too James." James walks to the door of the room and opens it and me and Quinn fall over "Ow what was that for?" "No time to talk about you guys eavesdropping we need to board up the door and the window cause my tracker app says shes down there at the village!" "Come on Tyler." Me and James run to get some wood we had. "Told you we would need this some day." We nail up as many boards as we can. "Ow my hand its bleeding." "James you good dude." "Yeah just get me the first aid kit." I run off to get the first aid kit. "Antibiotic Cream and a bandage you should be good." "Thanks man" We keep boarding up the windows and the door and any open access point. Then we join the girls back in Melissa and James's room. It started raining. "Ah man its raining now." We hear a sudden thud against the door *BUMP* *BUMP* We hear a faint voice "MY DAUGHTER I WANT MY DAUGHTER!!" Melissa's face becomes white as a ghost. "I'm her daughter she wants to kill me." She jumps into James's arms as soon as he walks through the door. "Baby she wants me to die I don't wanna die!" He slowly strokes her hair. "Babe you'll be okay because I'm here and Tyler's here and Quinn's here she'll have to go through us to get to you and I won't give up that easy trust me I won't if I do I'll propose so we will never be apart." "Really?" "Really because I love you." He gently presses his lips against her's when they pull apart their noses are still touching. "Come on lets get you on the bed you have a fever." I jump "What you need to do what?" James's face starts to blush "She has a fever I just wanna make sure she's okay." "Hmm okay." He gently picks her up and lays her in the bed. "There you should be good I hope she goes away soon." "Yeah but can you stay here with me just because." I walk to the other side of the bed. "We are all here." She looks at me very angrily. "I meant just James." Me and Quinn quickly walk to our room. "James you said your dad is a doctor." "Yeah why?" "Do you know anything about sicknesses?" "Yeah I used to visit his office when I was little." She looks at him "Can you give me a full check up to see how sick I am?" "Okay don't question anything I'm about to do." "Okay I won't." "Okay my dad taught me to only do this check up to people who are willing can you take your shirt off." "What?" "I don't wanna make it awkward for tonight." "Okay." She takes off her shirt showing her purple bra. He gently presses on her stomach and then gently touches her thigh and rubs on her feet and then goes back up to her stomach. "Tell me if I get to close for comfort okay?" He gets higher and touches her bra and then he touches her neck. "A ha here we go can you open your mouth?" She opens her mouth and he looks inside and says "Your tonsils are swollen it could lead to infection someone needs to take them out." She looks at him sadly and then he says "Baby I will be right here with you the whole way." Everyone sits inside quietly because we heard a crack. And then the window breaks I quickly grab Quinn "Babe come on lets go we gotta get Melissa and James and find a way out!" I grab my backpack and I grab Quinn's hand and we run to Melissa and James's room to see them softly kissing on the bed. "YOU GUYS DIDN'T HEAR THAT!" They pull away from each other "No we've been focusing on each other and I found out my tonsils have to come out." "COME ON WE GOTTA GO SHE BROKE IN!" Melissa doesn't waste any time and grabs her backpack and James grabs her hand and we all run off to the back. "We need to get the boards off." Me and James break off the boards and break the window. "This window is big enough so we can all squeeze through ladies first." "James can you give me a boost." "Sure Melissa." He picks her up and as soon as he touches her butt "Watch where you put you hands James." "Tyler buzz off." "Melissa I am your cousin." She gets through the window and I boost Quinn up and then James goes through and as soon as I get ready to go Melissa's mom comes towards me "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER!!" I throw my backpack through the window and jump as fast as I can her hand nearly touching my leg. We all run as fast as we can. Her mom jumps through the window and makes eye contact with Melissa. "MY DAUGHTER!!!" Melissa randomly passes out and James screams "Melissa!!!!" "We need to get her to a hospital soon this place has a train right we gotta go!!" James picks Melissa up and we all run until we see an old train station that is still functional. 

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